Ag Round-Up
Report by Ms Bray, Agriculture and Primary Industries Teacher
Ag Round-Up
Report by Ms Bray, Agriculture and Primary Industries Teacher
Term 4 has been a hive of activity!
Primary Industry students completed a course to receive a Certificate in Quad Bike Operations, which entailed a fun-filled day of learning safety strategies for riding quads.
Stage 5 students conducted a broiler growth trial in which they fed two groups of chickens on different feeds to determine the effect of protein on growth. This trial concluded with the students participating in the processing of broiler chickens for market.
The annual Northern Schools Steer Competition took place in Tenterfield early November, with six students attending. The opportunity was an excellent one for increasing students' cattle handling and junior judging skills.
Wee Waa High took out second place for their steer 'Johnny Cash' in the live weight section. Three students also made it into finals in the junior and senior paraders events. A big thank you to our supporters in Merced Farming and Bruce Evans at Nutrien for sourcing and supplying our steers, Tim Willimese for transporting our cattle, and Troy Clarke for supplying a fantastic feed ration.
More recently, students participated with the Illawarra students to attend a local property and develop an understanding of irrigation and cropping systems. Thank you to Anna and James Hall, and Johno and Wendy Phelps for hosting a tour for us of Havana Ag. Our students thoroughly enjoyed the experience, interacting with Industry people and learning more about the latest innovations and technology Havana Ag has recently implemented. Students also visited CSD and travelled to Lightning Ridge to learn about the opal mining industry.
After a full and exciting year of agriculture, students are keen to participate in and implement new projects in 2025.