Library News

End of Term 1

We are rushing towards the end of term one, that means this week will be the last borrowing for the term. Could all books be returned to the library during next week's library lessons please. Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be able to take one novel, fiction book home for holiday reading. 

During term one we spend a lot of time talking about book care, part of caring for books is to always transport our books to and from school using a library bag. Another is keeping them safe when not reading them at home, this may be by leaving them in the library bag when they are not being read. I have noticed there are a few children who still do not have library bags, could parents please ensure their child has one and help their children have them packed in their bags for library day. Library bags can be purchased from the uniform shop and should only be a once off purchase during their primary years.



                                                           Library Days:

                                       Monday: 2FM, 2RB, FME, 4SF, 4TR

                                       Tuesday: 3AH, 3KM, FSN,FSF, 1LC

                                       Wednesday: 4DC, 2PM, 1MD,1AG



Thank you - Yolanda McVilly