Year 7 Picnic and Year 12 Meet and Greet

Our Year 7 Picnic and Year 12 Meet and Greet were really enjoyable and memorable community events. We appreciate the understanding and support of our students, staff and families that we had to postpone from the initial date due to the extreme weather. It certainly turned out to be worth it with perfect weather we had on the evening it ran.
It was so great to see so many of our Year 7 students and families connecting with both their Connect Tutors and each other. We had some wonderful performances by our Intermediate Stage Band to create a great atmosphere. The Year 7 scavenger hunt, led by our Year 10 peer support leaders, was an absolute winner amongst the students who raced around the school to try and claim the title of winners as well as a prize.
Simultaneously, we many families coming into meet with their children’s Year 12 teachers and Senior School staff to find out more about the final year of high school. The evening provided parents a chance to catch up with other families from the year level. It is always lovely to have the parent community visit school and be involved with what’s happening for our students. The information session hosted by Paul-Micah Sullivan, Head of Senior School, provided insight into the VCE program and outlined how students can experience success in their final year at NHS. Year Level Program Leaders, Chris McKay and Peta Sirec, also introduce themselves and talked with families about how we can work together. There was plenty of Q+A with parents wanting to find out how they can best support their children through this year.
We thank everyone who attended and those involved in making these events possible.