Get the NHS Spiel

First issue for 2024 out now!
Welcome to our first issue of the Spiel for 2024! We are very happy to start this year with some amazing articles from our members, on subjects including Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, misinformation, a national sporting legend, and She-Hulk. If you would like to join us, please come along to B5 during Friday lunches!
The Spiel is a student voice to help tell the people our information and opinions, so if you have suggestions please contact us at our emails below. If you are a student interested in joining, want to check us out, or even want to write just one article and never speak to us again, please do!
New members and participants are always greatly appreciated, so if you’re interested, email us at:
Or check us out in B5 every Friday at lunch time!
Enjoy our latest edition!