
A place to put your imaginations into action!
Apologies for the lack of student art to share, our works are in progress, but here is a rundown of the events occurring in the Emmaus Art space for year 3s & 4s, 5s & 6s.
Years 3 & 4 have been looking at the movement and line work of Vincent van Gogh, especially his skies. Using oil pastels, they are creating their own full sheet skies using line, movement, and colour, in preparation to design a silhouette of a city/sea/country landscape to lay over their skies. Students are creating some beautiful effects using colours we wouldn’t expect in our skies, including night skies, sunsets, and stormy skies. They have engaged really well, and they are thinking through the process, planning ahead, as they consider their final landscape artwork. I am excited to see them finished and putting them on display.
Year 5/6 have started the year with their own personal art journal. A place to plan, play with ideas and experiment. We have looked at the artwork of an African/American artist, Charles McGee, who demonstrated in a video how he uses his art journal for planning and working out ideas for his artworks. The 5/6’s are currently planning black and white art designs inspired by McGee, in their journals, and will create 3D pieces that we will display together as a class artwork. McGee talked of opposites, and how nature uses opposites and differences to be in harmony with each other. You can watch the YouTube video here: CharlesMcGeeArtistvideo
I am looking forward to sharing these artworks, once finished, with everyone once they are completed.
Here is an example of a Charles McGee sculpture inspiring our work:
Christina Booth
Art Teacher