Getting to know Emma



1.  Name : Emma Williams 


2.  Position: Cadet Teacher 


3. Favourite way to spend your weekend or 

a day off?

My favourite way to spend my weekends is playing football! If I’m not playing footy I’m spending time with my family or going for brunch with friends.


4. Favourite season (winter, summer, autumn, spring) why? 

I love summer, I enjoy going to the beach and kayaking in the summer! 


4a. Favourite food/s

Sushi is definitely my favourite food! 


4b. Your favourite subject you studied at school?

At school I loved History! I found it super fascinating! 


5.  How long have you worked at JPII and which grades do you teach?  

This is my second year at JPII. I am lucky enough to work in Grade 3 with Mrs B every Monday. She is an absolutely amazing teacher and person I feel so blessed I to get to learn from her. If I’m not in Grade 3 I am here, there and everywhere teaching from Kinder to Grade 6. 


6. What or who inspired you to pursue a teaching career?

I have always dreamed of being a teacher! My biggest inspiration was my Prep teacher. I absolutely adored her and loved being in her class. She made everyone feel included and valued for this reason I carry this with me as teacher because I know how much of a difference this can make as a student.  



7. What are your unique attributes that you bring to the classroom?

My attributes I bring to the classroom are I’m a positive, friendly, kind, respectful, humorous and thoughtful person. I feel as though I bring all these attributes into my classroom and are reflected in my teaching. 


8.  Favourite part of working in your position at JPII?

I love working at JPII it is such a special place. My favourite part is working with the students, staff and families and being apart of the school community. 


9.  If you could go back in time what would you say to your former younger

student self?

Everyone learns in different ways it’s okay not to know everything! Don’t be afraid to ask for help! 


10.  Last word before the school bell goes........

I love hearing about the students favourite part of the day! So it’s usually “Tell me your highlight of the day?” 



Thank you Emma, it's is great to have you part of the JPII team.