Grade 5/6 on Excursion

Sassafras Student Highlights
“All of the activities were fun, but my favourites were going outside in the bush and improving the cubbies, and playing on the dirt mountains outside of the Sustainability Centre.” - Ned
“My favourite part of the excursion was when we went on a bushwalk and made shelters because I got to hang out with my friends” - Estelle
“My favourite activity was when we walked up the hill and made more houses for animals because it was really fun looking for sticks to build with. I learnt that the whole Sustainability Centre can be moved somewhere else and that it doesn’t use power for heating or cooling.” - Ava
“I was surprised to learn about all the rubbish on the beaches around my neighbourhood. It was also a shock to learn about all the microplastic that lands on our beaches that come from far away.” - Ella
“My favourite part of the excursion was to make our own character. It was fun because we had really weird ideas… I also learned that there is a place on earth where there's so much rubbish it's bigger than Texas.” - Mason
“I learnt how regular day objects such as a broomstick had contained a horse’s mane/hair, I learnt how a Chinese dragon was made out of feathers and a huge wooden sculpture made out of instruments such as ukuleles and didgeridoos and other wooden stuff.” - Sharvesh
“My favourite part about the excursion was the free play at recess and lunch and I learnt to always pick up rubbish now or animals will eat it and die and we don't want that.” - Jett