Around Our Level
Around Our Level
This week we have settled back into our classroom routines in Prep. We had circle time to learn more about our classmates and what other students had got up to in their school holidays. We welcomed Miss Johnstone our new Acting Principal who visited the classrooms and introduced herself. She loved learning all about your favourite colours. We also welcomed Miss W who spent the week teaching Prep A whilst Mrs Cooper was on Long Service Leave.
In Literacy, we have been learning to write the letter N. We have been learning the letter names and sounds for SATPIND. We have been revising our heart words (a, I, the, and, said). This week we introduced a repetitive reading text. In class we read the text together, to our shoulder partner and independently every day. We have been learning to write sentences such as I sit, The pin fit. Our students have been working hard and taking home a decodable text and homework sheet to complete each week. Our students are now enjoying finding ‘heart words’ in their personal reading which is fantastic.
In Maths, we have been learning to subitise numbers 1 to 10. This means the children become familiar with dot patterns and can say them quickly without actually counting them such as dots on a dice and on domino tiles, recognising numbers as a group of pictures and numbers on a tens frame. In class we have been learning about numbers as numerals, words and pictures. We have been making numbers and showing them in different ways using a tens frame and using unifix cubes. We have been revising the days of the week using picture story books such as the ‘Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘Diary of a wombat’ and singing the days of the week to the tune of the ‘Addams Family.
In History, we have been learning about the different types of families. The children had to draw their family on a leaf which will be made into a class family tree.
In Geography, we have been learning about caring for others.
In Wellbeing, we have played cooperative games to build team work, sharing , turn taking and resilience. We discussed the zones of emotional regulation. When we are in the red zone we feel……….. When we are in the green zone we feel………..
This week we hope to do some additional running practise for cross country. Our Whole School event will be on Tuesday 30th April. We will travel by bus to the Lillydale Lake and will run 1km which is a long way. Mr Quick will also be doing some additional training in his Physical Education classes this week.
We have been learning about Anzac Day and will have special service over the classroom broadcast which will be taken by our School Captains and we will pay our respects with a minute’s silence. Thank you to all those students that have bought an Anzac Day badge, wrist band or key tag to support our local RSL.
A big thank you to those parents that have volunteered their time to assist with our PMP program which will commence on Friday 26th April.
Students are nominated by their teachers to receive a certificate of acknowledgment. The below student's certificates will be presented at our next assembly.
Prep A - Mrs Cooper
Noah F
For helping Miss W and his classmates during pack up time.
Prep B - Ms Ross
Jenson M
For his enthusiasm to learning and trying new things.