Principal's Report
We, at Miners Rest Primary School, would like to acknowledge the Wadawurrung people of the Kulin Nation.
We pay our respects and thank the Wadawurrung people.
May we share your land. We promise to look after it, as well as the animals and people too.
A warm welcome
As we move with pace towards the end of the term, I would like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome our school community to any and all of the upcoming events that are occurring between now and the end of term, including...
Harmony Day - classrooms will be open in the last hour of the day for families to join in the celebrations. Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone - you can wear orange to show your support.
Assembly - next Tuesday is our final assembly for the term. As always, families are welcome to join us.
Student-Led Conferences - as previously mentioned in the newsletter, our Student Led Conferences are now structured to ensure voice and learner agency of our students, as well as teacher input and input from our family members in attendance as well. Our teachers and students have worked really hard this week to plan for an informative, engaging and collaborative experience, including all stakeholders and the initial sharing of the Student Learning Portfolios. We look forward to your attendance and participation next week.
Ball Sports - families are very welcome to join us next Wednesday morning for our whole school Ball Sports event, taking place on the tennis courts. Events will commence at approximately 9:10 am and conclude around 11:30 am. A coffee van will be onsite and available for families throughout the morning and we invite you to dress in your child's Sporting House colours and cheer on the participants in each event. You might even like to bring a fold-up chair to ensure a seat for the event. We are delighted to share that the Kinder children will be joining us and demonstrating their own activity at the conclusion of the final school event - you won't want to miss it!
Athletics Day - The final event for our school to enjoy prior to holidays is the whole school Athletics event at Llanberris Recreation Reserve. Katherine and Emily have provided lots of information to families to ensure this day runs successfully for everyone. Please ensure that you are familiar with all of the processes related to the day and we look forward to having our school community join us for a fabulous day of fun and competition.
School Supervision
Please be advised that school supervision for students commences at 8:45 am each morning and concludes at 3:35 pm each afternoon. Outside of these times, we cannot guarantee student supervision and therefore, in relation to student safety, we ask that children are not onsite before supervision times. Thank you for your support with this matter.
The Readiness for Learning session at the beginning of each day (8:45 am - 8:55 am) across all classrooms, is strategically developed to build routines, relationships and establish organisational behaviours to support successful learning routines.
Just a reminder to our families that OSHC will not be available for students in Years 3-6 on the morning of Thursday March 28. We strongly recommend booking for your children, if you have not already done so, for the afternoon of March 28. The school will organise transport from Llanberris back to the school for students attending OSHC on the afternoon of March 28.
Foundation & Ball Sports
We look forward to having our Foundation students, and their families, join us for Ball Sports next Wednesday morning. Information about the morning is included in this newsletter. Given that our Foundation children normally have Wednesdays as a day at home this term, Foundation families are welcome to take their child on the completion of Ball Sports. With Thursday being a day packed with lots of action and competition, our Foundies may require Wednesday afternoon to recharge. Please speak to your child's teacher if you require further information.
School Review
We have an exciting term ahead of us as we engage in a School Review. This is a very comprehensive and important process that requires engagement from all stakeholders in our school, and facilitated by an external Reviewer. A School Review gives us the opportunity to reflect on the last four years (the period of the concluding Strategic Plan) and plan for our future direction over the next four year period. Consultation with our families will form an essential component of this process, prior to and during the School Review. We value your input and will be reaching out to you to include you in this process next term. Stay tuned.
School Policies
The school has been working intensively throughout this term to ensure our compliance with the National Child Safe Standards. As part of this work, we have reviewed our policies, processes and procedures in relation to all of our practices related to the safety of all children and young people at our school. Parent feedback is always welcomed and encouraged on our policies and procedures. Please don't hesitate to contact me via email or telephone or, on the off chance that I am available, pop in and have a chat.
Please remember, the safety of every child, every day is the responsibility of us all!
Looking forward to seeing you throughout the last week of Term One.
Kylie Nissen.