Principal's Message

School Philosophy
Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth, and well-being for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences.
From the Principal
Hello and welcome to the final newsletter for Term 1!
What a busy Term 1 2024 it has been! Although it has been a short term it has been packed full of fun.
Let me start out by giving a big shout-out to our students who represented the school at our Regional and Division swimming carnivals. Thank you also to the parents who took time out of their busy days to support their children and our school by driving to and from the event. Also, to Mr Liston for organising the team and attending the events on behalf of the school.
We have had Year 5 and Year 1 attend excursions in the past few weeks. Thank you to the teachers for organising and planning these days, linking school to the outside world to make the learning connections deeper and richer for the students. Thank you to the parents who helped out on the days, with a special thank you to the Year 5 parents who were so understanding about the 5 pm arrival back to school, especially considering it was the Friday of a long weekend. We have contacted the bus company for an explanation as to why the bus did not arrive as scheduled but as yet we have received no response.
Thank you also goes to Miss Tulin for organising Harmony Week (a week early due to the Year 5 camp) for us again this year. We value our amazing community and having opportunities to showcase and learn about different elements of our cultures is brilliant. We will also be celebrating a Spanish tradition (Sant Jordi) early next term, details have been shared on Compass by our Spanish Teacher, Carla Melo Perea.
Our Year 6 students are currently enjoying their trip to Canberra and are due back tomorrow after an action-packed but fun-filled 4 days. A big thank you to our teachers and parent helpers who have taken time away from their families to ensure our Canberra Camp continues.
Finally, thank you to everyone for their support this term. I wish you a safe holiday break and look forward to seeing you all back for Term 2.
Michelle Ogilvie