Sustainability at OGPS

Container Disposal Scheme!

We're excited to share that Ocean Grove Primary School is now an eligible charity under the CDS Vic West program. Any donations received will go towards our ongoing efforts to foster a greener and more environmentally conscious school community. Your support will directly contribute to initiatives promoting sustainability education and implementing eco-friendly practices within our school. Together, we can make a positive impact on our environment and instil important values in our students. Please take a moment to review the instructions below on how you can contribute to our cause. 



Sustainability Spotlight

As always there is so much happening in the world of sustainability at OGPS. Term 2 hopes to bring new gardens, the beginning of ‘Active Wednesdays’, the introduction of the container deposit scheme, energy and water audits and much much more.


We have an OGPS sustainability Facebook page if you would like to keep up to date. 


Search OGPS Sustainability Community and join. We welcome any sustainability ideas for families and our local community.

Recycling Centre- New Location

Families are encouraged to collect recycling products at home and drop them off at the recycling station in the Year 1 area.


Items to start collecting:

  • Milk bottle tops
  • Bread tags
  • Batteries
  • Old runners
  • Coffee pods
  • Any old stationary items (pens, textas, glues etc.)
  • Blister packs

Coffee Cup Recycling

It is estimated that over 1 billion cups end up in landfills yearly because they need to be processed separately to be recycled.


Ocean Grove Primary School now has a coffee cup recycling station in the foyer of the school office. We encourage our school community to recycle any coffee cups here!


















Easter Recycling tip

Foil wrapping from Easter eggs can go in your yellow-lidded bin for recycling. Aluminium is one of the most recyclable materials because of the amount of energy saved if we do recycle it, so gather up the empty and clean foil wrapping, scrunch it into a ball and put it in your recycling bin. The ball needs to be about the size of a ping-pong ball. If you don’t have enough foil to do this, you could try and get creative - maybe put wrappers aside for when you have a larger foil piece to wrap around them later on, such as a baking tray, or insert them into an empty soft drink can.

Nude Food Winners

Congratulations to this week’s Nude Food winners, 2AG and 4RB. Don’t forget it’s great to bring Nude Food every day.

Earth Hour

On Friday the 22nd of March between 12:30 and 1:30 Ocean Grove PS #SwitchedOff. Thanks to everyone for turning off as many electrical items as you could. It is so important to reduce the use of electrical and gas appliances whenever we can.