Principal Message

Dear Families,


It is quite hard to believe we are at the conclusion of Term One. Thank you for supporting your children and their teachers. As I regularly walk through our school, I am always delighted to hear and see the playing, laughter, building, running, inventing, climbing, acrobatics, drawing, dancing and the list goes on. Both Scott and I are astutely aware that the Ocean Grove Primary School culture and success is attributed to the strong partnership between our students, staff and families. Thank you.


STOMP CONCERT – There is lots of concert excitement this week. Our students have been rehearsing in preparation for the big day on Thursday, starting at 11:30am. We hope you are able to pop into the gymnasium and watch our magnificent students perform (and maybe some teachers too)!


GIRLS’ FOOTBALL TEAM – Our Year 5/6 football team had a very successful day at the South Barwon Reserve, yesterday. They came home with two wins, two draws and a loss. What a terrific effort. Well done team!


CHESS – What a great turn out on Monday in the Indonesian room, for the free Chess trial. Please note that Chess for Schools will be commencing a formal chess club on Monday 22ndApril (second week back next term), during lunchtime. The registration link can be found here.


EVACUATION DRILL – As part of the Occupational Health and Safety requirements, Ocean Grove Primary School conducts a safety drill each term (an evacuation drill or a lock down drill). Congratulations to all staff and students for the calm and orderly manner in which the drill was conducted. We managed to complete the drill in just over six minutes.


CYBER SAFETY – Leading Senior Constable, Robbie Noggler will spend some time with our Year Five and Six students, on Wednesday 22nd May. Robbie’s cyber safety sessions provide our students with valuable and practical tips regarding how to stay safe, whilst online.


TERM TWO – We will hit the ground running next term with the Year Three, Four, Five and Six Cross Country event on Tuesday 16th April and a special author visit for everyone on Wednesday 17th April. Year Three, Four and Five will also have a school camp next term. These are just a few of the events on our school calendar for Term Two.     


HOLIDAYS – I hope you all manage to have some well-deserved rest and relaxation during the school break. I look forward to seeing your smiling faces on Monday 15th April. Happy Holidays everyone.


Kristy Hannan-Cuthbertson 😊

Assistant Principal