Diary Notes

- Thursday 25th April: ANZAC Day Public Holiday
-Friday 3rd May: Book Club due
- Thursday 2nd May: Boys to the Bush & Wellbeing Focused Activities- Years 4/5/6
# New- Monday 6th May: School Cross Country - See email from Michael Kearton 23/4
# New- Wednesday 8th May: Marian College Production- Years 4/5/6
# New- Thursday 9th May: Boys to the Bush & Dragonfly Empowering Girls- Years 4/5/6
# New- Friday 10th May: Catholic Care Presentation- Years 4/5/6
# New- Saturday 11th May: Mother’s Day Street Stall
- Monday 13th May: School Photos- See class emails for details
# New- Wednesday 15th May: District Cross Country - See email from Michael Kearton 23/4
# New- Thursday 16th May: Boys to the Bush & Wellbeing Focused Activities- Years 4/5/6
# New- Thursday 23rd May: Boys to the Bush & Dragonfly Empowering Girls- Years 4/5/6
- ICY POLES are available on a Friday at lunchtime for .50c. This is run by the Mary & Brigid group and goes towards a charity and this year it is St Vincent De Paul.