Mrs Jillian Rainger

Welcome to Term 1 Week 10!

Only 9 days left of term! I am looking forward to our Easter Fair this Friday. Thanks to our P and F for their work in organising this event. Come along! I will be working in Armidale this week until Friday. Please email me if you need to be in touch. Miss Kim Bailey will be the acting Principal this week and next. Mr Koch and Mrs Koch will be the acting Secondary Assistant Principal and Primary Assistant Principal respectively.

Staff News

Mrs Carole McNeil is retiring at the end of this term. We are extremely sad that she is leaving. Hopefully, she will miss us and come back from time to time to help us out as a casual teacher. Carole has been at HTS for over 40 years. 


Mrs Christine Zell is also retiring at the end of the term from her RFF position. This is Mrs Zell's second retirement! She has always said yes to working to help us out when needed. Chris may do the odd casual day, but we do hope she has the opportunity to slow down and have a well-earned break.


Both of these amazing ladies have worked tirelessly and with great dedication to our school, our students and their colleagues. We have all been lucky to work with them. We will be farewelling them at the end of term.

Congratulations to...

... our Secondary students who trialled last week for CCC Touch and those students who assisted in helping the day run smoothly

...our primary leaders for their amazing job with our Easter Liturgy on Thursday

Best Wishes to...

...Tilly Thompson playing CCC Northern Rugby League this week

...Fletcher and Zac Andrews going to CPS swimming this week in Sydney

...Secondary league teams competing in the Alan Tongue competition on Thursday

... our da Vinci Decathlon teams who are participating in Armidale this week


Coming Up:

Pupil Free Day and Holidays

Please remember:

 The last day of term, Friday 12 April is a Pupil Free Day. Students last day of term is Thursday 11 April. School resumes on Monday 29 April for Term 2.

We will be marching in the ANZAC Day parade on 25 April, which is during the school holidays. More information will be available closer to the event.


Town 2 and 3 Bus Service

These services are no longer able to have extra paying passengers travelling down to the CBD. Students who are pass holders for this service are not affected. The bus is at capacity with their regular passengers. Students who go down the street after school will need to make other arrangements.





Term 1 Fee payments

Our Term 1 fees are now overdue. Please pay promptly. Thank you to all our families who have made the shift to using our bPay system - details are located on your fee statement for payment.



Parking around the school

No Parking – This rule applies to our Kiss and Drop zone between the hours of   8:00-9:30 am and 2:30-4:00 pm



A driver of a vehicle must not stop on a length of road or in an area to which a No Parking sign applies unless the driver is;

  1. dropping off, or picking up passengers or goods
  2. does not leave the vehicle unattended (vehicle unattended means that the driver can leave the vehicle however the driver cannot be any more than 3 metres from the closest point of the vehicle)
  3. completes the dropping off or picking up of passengers or goods, and drives on as soon as possible (generally in a 2 minute time frame)

Therefore, waiting at the Kiss and Drop before 3:25 could result in you being fined. Please give students time to get out of the classrooms and down to the Kiss and Drop before arriving. The traffic should flow through this zone.


See you at the Easter Fair!
