REC News

Shannon Cain



A tradition at Catherine McAuley, during the first two weeks of Term 4, is to participate in ‘Mission Week’, where we spend time learning about and raising funds for Catholic Mission. 


There are three main parts to Mission week:

Head - Through the use of educational materials from Catholic Mission we learn about others in our world and the conditions in which they live. This year the focus is on Timor-Leste.


Heart - Through prayer and Liturgy we pray for others and recognise how we can build God’s Kingdom here on earth.


Hands - We participate in activities to deepen our awareness of the needs of others and raise money to help. 


During Week 2 there will be different activities for the students to participate in and a ‘Mission Fun Day’ which is where the students organise activities with a buddy class for all to participate in. 


We ask that each family donate $5 to participate in the Mission Week activities during the week which will include a sausage sizzle lunch on Tuesday. Donations can be sent to your child’s classroom teacher. 



Tuesday 17th October

Deny and Donate food at Recess time and sausage sizzle!


We ask that students donate their non-perishable foods for children in Orange who are truly hungry.  This food will be donated to the Vinnies Food Van to be given to local children in need.  


Students will eat their fruito at 10am and will have sausage sizzles during the middle session for their lunch. 


*You don't need to pack anything for recess/lunch on Tuesday, but if you think they’re unable to last the day with fruit and a sausage sizzle that is up to you. 




Wednesday 18th October

Mission Fun Day

 In the morning session students will participate in a grade liturgy.

In the middle session, students will participate in the Mission fun day activities. Families are welcome to join us to participate in the fun from 11:45am.


Thursday 19th October

Crazy Sock Day


Students will wear crazy socks with their uniform, either sports or school, depending on which one your child wears on Thursday. The students could wear brightly coloured socks, odd socks, long socks, something that you already have at home. 


Friday 20th October

Colour Explosion Day


Children are able to wear bright and colourful casual clothes today. Please ensure your child has a hat and enclosed shoes. 


You can find more about Catholic Mission and the work they do here.


Parish Mass

Each Thursday a grade attends Parish Mass at St Joseph's Church at 9:30am. All parents and friends are welcome to come to Mass and sit with your child. 


Week 1: Year 3


St Joseph's Church will be closed between 16/10-29/10 to continue work on the stained glass windows. There will be no Parish Mass held at St Joseph's during this time. 


Week 5: Whole School Mass lead by Year 3.

Week 6: Year 1

Week 7: Year 2

Week 8: Year 5

Week 9: Kindergarten and Year 6

Week 10: Whole School End of Year Mass



Each year every grade participate in a retreat day. During the day the student listen to the word of God, sing and pray together. The retreat days for Term 4 are:

Week 3 Friday: Year 1

Week 6 Thursday: Year 5

Week 6 Friday: Year 2