From the Principal

We would like to congratulate and thank Sue Charleston, our departing Principal, who has won a new position as Principal at Amata Anangu School, starting immediately. We would like to acknowledge her leadership and recognise the contribution she has made to teaching and learning, community engagement and the positive leadership she has shown in learner improvement at WGS. Thank you Sue, and we wish you all the best on the Lands.
Term 4 is going to be a busy one, with Graduations, both for year 6 and the preschool, new students being welcomed for reception in 2024, sports day, class placement, reporting, excursions and moving up day, where students get to meet their new teachers for 2024. This can be both an exciting and anxious time for children, and we are more than happy to support students with these transitions. If there are any specific requests families have around class placement, please put these in writing to school leadership. Please note that throughout this process, staff take considerable time to place students in classes that will best benefit their learning, and take into account both social and academic factors. Therefore any family request would need to be balanced against these considerations, and against needs of the entire year level group.
Graduation is coming up fast, so families who wish to attend the dinner need to return their paperwork to Ms Mitkas or the fron office ASAP. It is a great night of celebration and a great meal. Come and celebrate our seniors with us in style!
In term 4, Scott Foale will be acting Principal, and the entire leadership team are looking forward to continuing the improvement work, our support for staff and students, and the ongoing preparations being made for a smooth start to 2024.