From the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Staff and Friends of Mazenod College,


“I have chosen you from the world, says the Lord, so go and bear fruit that will last” (John 15:16).


This reference is taken from the Gospel acclamation from Wednesday’s Mass, held on the Feast Day of St Luke. We know that Luke is an author of the Third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. I chose this reference on the occasion of the Graduation of our Year 12 students, with a number of events having been celebrated this week in their honour. The theme of our celebrations closely align with this acclamation as we too encourage our students to go forth from Mazenod College and live a life for good in the world.


I take this opportunity to reiterate a message from my address at our Graduation Assembly this morning in thanking the staff, parents and families, friends and fellow students who have played such an important role in helping our Year 12 students get to this point today. We hope that an education at Mazenod College is a privileged time for our students, filled with wonderful learning experiences in all aspects of their development and many highlights to remember.


It was wonderful to see so many parents and families members attending our Assembly this morning and we look forward to the Valedictory Mass and dinner tomorrow evening. My heartfelt thanks to the Mazza Mum’s, under the guidance and direction of Ms Varischetti, who shared lovely treats for our morning tea.


There is always such a hive of activity in Term Four and this one isn’t any different. We are very exciting about two key events next week namely; the Annual Art Exhibition and the Sportsman’s Dinner for 2023. The focus of these events are student achievements and excellence and I hope that as many members of our community can come along and enjoy the successes of our very talented young men.


In conclusion, I wish our Year 12 students and their families continued blessings and thank them for the wonderful contributions and for the positive chapter they, and their families, have written in the long and proud history of our school. 

I trust that the environment of preparation they have received at Mazenod College will have them enjoy a lifetime journey of joy, hope and love.


“Mazenod, you set us free” (second verse of our College Anthem)


God bless.


Simon Harvey
