Wellbeing Team News

Wellbeing in Year 7 Startup Week
The first week back at HPSC saw us welcome a new group of Year 7s to the school, over 200 of them! The wellbeing team introduced themselves and their role at the college through a Wellbeing-101 info session, as part of the Year 7 Startup Program: showcasing HPSC's wellbeing programs, lunchtime clubs, community links, and external practitioners.
Students learned about the weekly Year 7 - Lego Club, a space for new students to establish friendships and engage in hobbies; our free in-school Doctor service, visiting on Thursdays; our School - Lawyer from Community Legal Centre, Southeast Monash Legal Service; and workers from Foundation House, to name a few. We discussed what 'Wellbeing' looks like and how support can help achieve better Wellbeing, and got students excited about our annual whole-school celebration days, like RUOK-Day, IDAHOBIT, Wear-It-Purple-Day, 16-Days of Activism, and more.
Year 7s now understand where they can reach out for support in their time at HPSC and were great participants in the Peer-Leader's compliment - chain activities.
Welcome to HPSC, Year 7s!
Guest speaker!
On Friday, Year 7s met Eric Agyeman, an award-winning youth mentor and motivational speaker, and learned about the power of actions and words, through his engaging keynote presentation! Eric shared a powerful message with the new students, detailing the impact other's cruel words and exclusive actions had on his journey through high school and young - adulthood. Speaking about his inspiring journey; from social exclusion, feeling outcast in school as a migrant, acting-out and being involved in gangs, and relocating back home to Ghana for years; Eric used real-life examples of beating adversity to challenge students to take charge of their own future. Discussing how his future was not determined by a hard past and was his was changed by surrounding himself with positive people, reaching out for support, and changing his perspectives, the Year 7s were left with an unforgettable message and experience.
Thanks to Eric for presenting at HPSC!