
It has been wonderful to see everyone settle into Term 4, Children playing well and demonstrating our school values. It has already been a busy term with lots of opportunities to develop social skills and build confidence and resilience.
Year 4 Camp
The Year Four staff and students will be spending 2 days away from the school environment. Enjoying each other's company Weekaway Camp in Lancefield. I am sure we will hear about the student and staff experiences as the children come back to school next week. School camps are often cherished memories for students.
So what are the benefits of school camp?
- Disconnect with technology and reconnect with self and others
- Develop social skills
- Build lasting relationships with other students
- Staff and Students building a connection
- Learn new activity skills
- Improve independence and resilience
- Expand experiences in nature
- Teach personal organisation
- Decision making skills
Social and Emotional Learning at St Anne’s
This Term, children will continue to participate in regular Vertical SEL lessons. We encourage you to discuss your child’s experience and what the lesson was about. The Focus for Term 4 is RESILIENCE. It is important to develop resilience in our young people to enhance their skills in coping when things are too hard or have not gone the way they expected.
Our SEL lessons this term have been Week 2, 3, 6, 9, 10.
Have a great week.
The Wellbeing Team
Kristie Browning Sue Sexton
kbrowning@sasunbury.catholic.edu.au sues@sasunbury.catholic.edu.au
Jade Salpietro