
Maths is incredibly important in our lives! Without even realising it, we use mathematical concepts and skills all the time. When we organise our schedules, manage a budget or bake a cake, we are using maths!
At school, students are taught a range of skills and strategies to investigate and solve real life math problems. To help prepare them for what they may experience later in life, they are challenged to explain their thinking and consider different ways of working out their answers.
As a parent or carer, helping children develop mathematical behaviours and skills that they will use in real life situations, can be simple and incorporated into everyday experiences at home.
Below are some fun ideas and activities you can do with your child to help support them in building their maths knowledge and problem solving skills.
Prep - Grade 2
- Count pieces of cut up fruit
- Organise toys by colours, shapes etc and then count them
- Role play shop - use shopping lists, catalogues and toy money
- Use playing cards to match numbers through playing 'Memory' or 'Snap'.
- Write numbers on a piece of paper, cut them up and then reorder them.
- Number hunts - find and say numbers in the environment eg. number plates, signs, calendars
- Count how many times you can throw and catch a ball before dropping it
- Identify shapes in the environment
Grade 3 to Grade 6
- Estimate how many cars are parked in a carpark. How can you work out the number?
- Record daily temperatures for a week. Create a graph and ask questions amount the data.
- Discuss the quantities you would have when you double or halve a favourite recipe.
- List what you could buy from a catalogue with $150. Try to get as close to it without going over!
- Using a train or bus timetable, work out the time taken between stops and how much it would cost.
- Investigate the best value items when shopping. How much would multiple items cost?