Food Studies Students

Congratulations to Year 11 Food Studies Students' who have completed their last SAC for Term 4!
Students had to follow a Design Brief, which asked them to design and analyse a Gourmet Pizza, linked a food dietary requirement.
On the day students made pizzas for the following dietary requirements: Lactose free, low fat, gluten free, high fibre, vegan, vegetarian, high protein...
Students came up with many creative pizza toppings to match their dietary requirements.
Year 9/10 Glorious Food
The Glorious Food Technology Class have been busy planting summer vegetables in the LNSC Vegetable Garden. Students will then use these vegetables to complete their Design Brief, which they have to design a recipe using a vegetable they have gown, being the star ingredient - Keep posted of photos to come!
Our Yr7s were very EGGcited to begin todays class! Our main topic breakfast! So how do we start the day?…..with a healthy Egg & Bacon Muffin comprising of all of the 5 food groups shown on the Australian Guide To Healthy Eating. Throughout this lesson we learnt about coagulation of eggs when heated, dextrinisation of wheat when we toast bread and the ethics of food! Cage or free range! Those who got a bit EGGxperimental chose to scramble or poach their egg! It was thumbs up by all! No yolking!