Students with Voice

Our dedicated staff Ms Lemire, Mr Tucker & Ms Thorsen supporting students Leadership Presentation & Speech Night~ "The World I Want To Live In..."

In the last week of Term 3 we had our inaugural Leadership Celebration Evening. Students and their families involved in the leadership programs across all levels were invited to attend the college for a celebration of the contribution they had made across 2023. The theme of the night was ‘The World I Want To Live In’ and a dozen students presented speeches outlining their vision for the future that they will help shape. These speeches were inspiring and showed great courage and leadership. It was heart-warming to share such a great night with students and their families. Matt Tucker,

Director of Student Voice, Agency & Positive Climate for Learning.








Alana Malorni
Albert Dewalt
Alesha Nelson
Alexis Hurley
Amira Loucif
Anastacia Soklevski
Antonio Spada
Armani Saleh
Bejanmin Heley
Brad Heley
Charlotte McLachlan
Chi Bui
Daniel Colville
Deborah Raward
Elijah Atina
Elijah Rodriguez
Georgia Midgley
Grace Eliopoulos
Hannan Hammoud
Joshua Joy
Kaiden Lette
Kuunaal Choutala
Larry Luu
Lincoln Sharp
Luca Mylas
Mansour Belal
Nada Mohamed
Nickolas Beardman-King
Nikita Barber
Noah Prajack
Parham Mokri
Raouua Al Ayoub
Rojan Hamdi
Ryder Buckingham
Samuel Yates
Scarlett Sharp
Sophie Yates
Sozviin Hamza
Ufifua Manesafaale
Yousef Aljuboory
Yvannah Colantro

Senior Leaders

Adian Ellul
Asal Babashahi
Delair Sharafani
Jordan Wagner
Khang Nguyen
Lee Spada
Maryam Belal
Matthew Raeck
Natasha Sheridan
Raj Trehan
Tamara Raad
Theresa Leiataua

Declan's Speech from our Leadership Evening.

Good Evening people past present and emerging and my fellow leaders. I, Declan, have chosen to speak up on behalf of my generation about the world I want me and my friends to live in. To be completely honest I want a world where people can agree that there are no genders that signify what you are and you can choose. 

What do I see myself doing in the future? I genuinely see myself being a youth worker who basically helps people in their teenage years. I want to think in twenty years time I will be a loving husband and have lots of little mice (Parents would understand.) I would like to live in a house that has enough room where I could invite people to chill lax. I hope I will still be friends with most people that I already have and I’ll still be in touch with my most favourite teachers and much MUCH more! We need a world where there would be big warehouses where homeless people can get food and first-aid help. I would love for everything to be calm and collected with very little pain in the future. Anyway, I don’t have a perfect idea for what you would like but I hope you agree with what I said. Have a lovely night.

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