Our Catholic Identity

Canonisation of St Mary of the Cross, Mackillop - 17 October

Pope Benedict XVI canonised Mary in Rome on 17 October 2010, but the process began a century beforehand where she was initially recognised as a lady of great Holiness by Cardinal Moran of Sydney in 1909. He said, “I consider this day to have assisted at the deathbed of a saint.’ In 1992 Pope John Paul II decreed that Mary had lived a life of heroic virtue, specifically one that had been tested by adversity, which entitled her to be honoured as the Venerable Mary MacKillop. The process continued by attributing miracles to her intercession. The two causes for canonisation were in 1995 and 2010. 

  • A 24 year-old Sydney woman, diagnosed with leukemia in 1961, was given only months to live. Family and friends prayed for her through Mary. She recovered and subsequently gave birth to six children. Her cure was accepted as a miracle effected through the intercession of Mother Mary of the Cross.
  • Kathleen Evans, 49 year-old wife of Barry and mother of five children, was diagnosed with aggressive lung cancer in 1993 and sent to her Lake MacQuarie home to die. Family, friends and the Sisters of Saint Joseph prayed for her. Less than a year later an x-ray found no trace of cancer.

We learn through Mary’s life who in 1967 said, “We must teach more by example than word.” 


St Mary of the Cross Mackillop- Pray for us. 


October- Month of the Holy Rosary 

The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary, one of the best known of all Catholic devotions. It has been beautiful to witness the students pray the Rosary in their classrooms. Many students have brought in their own Rosary beads from home to help them to engage more deeply in this prayer. 


Students who wish to purchase a set of Rosary beads can do so from the school office for $1.00.  If you could provide the correct cash it would be greatly appreciated.


Families are also encouraged to pray the Rosary at home. 


If you wish to share some photos, please share them via the school office, we would love to see them. 

All Souls Day

All Souls' Day, in Roman Catholicism, is a day for commemoration of all the faithful departed. On 2 November, we will gather as a catholic school community to remember all those who have gone before us. Families and Parishioners are invited to two Masses and we are looking forward to seeing you there. 

  • 9:30- Years 5 and 6
  • 11:50- Years 3 and 4. 

Infant classes will recognise this day in their classrooms. 

Catholic Mission 


The Theme for Catholic Mission Month is ‘Hearts on Fire - Feet on the Move’. 

This term students will learn about issues of mission and justice. Students will be empowered to contribute to God’s mission in the world by supporting the work of ‘Catholic Mission’ through prayer, advocacy, and action, including fundraising. During Catholic Mission Month, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Bulli will work together to ‘Sockit’ to Poverty. On Friday 3 November, our school will host a ‘Crazy Sock and Soccer’ day to raise funds for Catholic Mission. Students are asked to bring in a gold coin donation and wear crazy, patterned or colourful socks with their full school uniform. 

Sacramental Parent Prayer Evening - Year 2

Fr Patrick has invited ALL Year 2 parents whose child/ren are making the Sacrament of First Reconciliation 2023/First Holy Communion 2024 in the Bulli Parish to attend a Parent Prayer Evening in the Church on Wednesday 1 November at 6pm.


This is for parents/carers only (not children). On this evening enrolment forms will be handed out.   Note:  Please be aware that a copy of Baptismal Certificates are required with enrolment form.


Sacrament of First Reconciliation (Year 2) 

This term Year 2 students have the great privilege of receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. The date for this is: Term 4 Week 6 - Thursday 16 November at 9:45 am in the church. Parents and family members are welcome to attend this. 

St Joseph’s Bulli Mass times

We at St Joseph’s would like to extend a warm invitation to all our school families to join us for Mass on Sunday. Regularly attending Mass is a wonderful opportunity to nourish our faith and keep the flame of faith alive. It is also a great opportunity to build on the very strong family, school and Parish partnerships that we have at St Joseph’s. We look forward to seeing you at one of our Masses this weekend. 


Sunday: 8:30 am 

Sunday: 5:30 pm

Quick Quiz! 

What is the name of the following hymn? 


Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth peace to people of good will.

We praise you,

we bless you,

we adore you,

we glorify you,

we give you thanks for your great glory,

Lord God, heavenly King,

O God, almighty Father.

Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,

Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,

you take away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us;

you take away the sins of the world,

receive our prayer;

you are seated at the right hand of the Father,

have mercy on us.

For you alone are the Holy One,

you alone are the Lord,

you alone are the Most High,

Jesus Christ,

with the Holy Spirit,

in the glory of God the Father.





Who is the Patron Saint of travel? St Christopher.




Mr Alexander Walker 

Acting Religious Education Coordinator