2023 Timetables

Both the 2023 PLT and Active Supervision timetables have been recently updated and can be accessed using the links below.
Both timetables have be uploaded into Xuno in readiness for the start of the term. Your personalised timetable can be accessed by clicking the timetable link on the left-hand side of your dashboard within Xuno.
The active supervision zones will continue as they were in term 3, with the Oval Zone still being divided into two sections: Primary (3-6) and Secondary (7-12), and the Secondary Common Room moved into the Courtyard Zone
The Prep-2 Playground Zone has now relocated from the old staff courtyard area to the new playground space, and with the hoarding now removed, the existing asphalt area around the Playground Zone is open for students to use.
We will look at relocating the cubbies back into these spaces during the term.
If there are any further queries or issues with the timetables, please see Matt.
Professional Practice Day Timetable
As per the Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2022, all teaching staff members are entitled to 2 Professional Practice Days (PPD) in 2023.
The first PPD was commonly held for all staff on Monday 10th July 2023.
Each teacher will be individually released for their second PPD throughout this term.
Michael and Eva (upon her return) will be releasing staff for their PPDs.
Please review the timetable below to view your allocated PPD.
Classroom teachers are to ensure that explicit plans are left for the teacher covering their class during your designated PPD, and where practicable, no excursions or travel training is to be booked in on your PPD.
Due to limited staffing availability, there is very limited flexibility for changes to be made to the PPD timetable. If you foresee any issues with the timetable and your allocated PPD, don't hesitate to get in touch with Matt.