TERM 3 - WEEK 10






Student NameAwardReason
PrepChloe Respectful Award

Chloe has consistently been a respectful and conscientious learner this year. She does not need reminders to be an excellent listener and is always a fantastic role model for the rest of the students in her class. Keep up the amazing work, Chloe! 

Junior GJoseph Responsible Joseph you are a responsible member of Junior G! I have loved to see your incredible dance moves during morning prayer. You are a fantastic role model as you complete the dance safely keeping your hands and feet to yourself. Your confidence and skill has encouraged your friends to join in! Keep up the amazing work :) 
Junior ANoahResilientFor your determination and perseverance during Maths. Noah, you are so focused during our Math lessons and eagerly accept challenges to extend your learning. You always strive to do your best and you should be very proud of what you have achieved. Well done Noah!
Middle LAvaResilientAva has showed resilience during our reading lessons. She has worked really hard to produce great work, especially in our Nim’s Island unit. Ava, you always try your best and never give up! I have seen such an amazing improvement. Well done, Ava - keep it up! 
Middle JJames Resilient For the impressive resilience you demonstrated when completing your Term 3 Inquiry project about an activist who stood up for human rights. You thoroughly researched your chosen activist, looking for facts that were both interesting and helped you to write a well–rounded biography. Well done James!
Senior BGabrielCreative (from last week)For your creativity when designing and building your 3D shape investigation project. You precisely measured and constructed your 3D nets to build your mine and ensured you met all of the relevant criteria. Well done Gabriel, keep up the hard work!
Senior LStella ResponsibleFor all of your awesome work and dedication during our debating unit. You have demonstrated being a responsible learner throughout each session, making sure you team is working on task and doing their best. I look forward to hearing your speech on Wednesday when we present to our adjudicator! Well done, Stella!!
Visual ArtsPhuong CreativeFor her meticulous attention to detail in all that she creates in the Art Room. Phuong has a fabulous eye for detail, colour and visual design. She uses her Art time purposefully and independently and I am always really impressed with her final pieces. Keep creating beautiful things Phuong. 
PEJunior ACollaborativeCo operating and listening carefully to the instructions during our session on dribbling with our feet and gently passing the ball. Many of you were considerate and enthusiastic and you demonstrated a positive, growth mind set. Congratulations, Junior A.


Zach  and 


CollaborativeWorking collaboratively and co operating with each other on an engineering task that required careful observation, patience and quite a deal of innovation. You worked well as a unit, supporting and encouraging each other as well as listening to each other’s ideas and suggestions. Well done on a great collaborative effort which resulted in you achieving the success criteria of the task.
ChineseNoah ResponsibleTaking great ownership of your learning and being persistent in completing your project comparing food in two countries over the last two weeks. I am looking forward to hearing your findings very soon!   






Student NameAwardReason
PrepGeorgia Determined Learner

For doing a fantastic recount of her holidays last week, Georgia did this almost completely independently without her teacher helping her! What a superstar, well done Georgia.


Junior GCasper Collaborative Learner For the fantastic way you have settled into the St Joseph’s community. Casper, you are an amazing addition to our class. I love the way you have already taught some of your new friends fun and collaborative games to play in the yard. We are so lucky to have you join junior G for our final term. 
Junior SEdieCuriousFor showing enthusiasm in our new Inquiry unit. Edie you have been very attentive and focused as we begin our new topic in inquiry. You have shared thoughtful ideas in class discussions and asked questions to extend your learning. Keep it up!
Middle LPhoenix Proactive Learner For being organised and on task. Phoenix, you are always listening carefully to your teachers and classmates. You start your work straight away and ask for help when you are unsure. You are always striving to learn and grow. Keep up the wonderful work! 
Middle JSienna MCollaborative For coming back to St Joseph’s with a friendly and uplifting demeanour. It has been a pleasure to welcome you to Middle J and hear your adventures from while you were in Canada. Your kindness and inclusive nature have already made a positive impact on our class culture. Well done Sienna!
Senior BJulian CuriousFor your thoughtful questions and insights during our first Phoenix Soar session with the representatives from South East Melbourne Phoenix. You were an active participant in the session and were engaged in the information being presented. Well done, keep it up!
Senior LJoey CuriousYour fabulous curiosity during the introduction of our Space Unit. You asked amazing questions and discovered new information using your research skills when looking up planets in our Solar System. Well done, Joey! 
PEOrlando Junior GCollaborativeEngaging and participating fully throughout this week’s lesson. You listened carefully to the instructions, tried your best and collaborated and co operated with everyone. You also demonstrated wonderful sportsmanship and played the games in a positive spirit. Well done.
STEMMiddle LCuriousDemonstrating amazing energy and curiosity during our latest session. You assisted each other, asked questions, collaborated and participated fully and enthusiastically. Well done and keep up the great work for the rest of the year.
ChineseSienna MDetermined LearnerShowing great enthusiasm in learning, and speaking a completed sentence in Chinese confidently on your first day at LOTE Chinese Lesson!