Body Confident Kids


Last week our students from Years 3 to 6 participated in workshops on positive body image with Gemma Urbini from The Bloom Project. Gemma is a mental health occupational therapist and family therapist. Feedback from the students was really positive. They shared insightful thoughts during the sessions and reflected on ways to promote their own and others' positive body image. 


Gemma also ran a parent information session on Thursday evening which was well attended by our parent community. Gemma provided interesting 'food for thought' about how to help our young people develop and maintain positive body image in the social media age. 


If you have any feedback or would like to follow up on anything that was raised in the sessions, please get in touch with Ashlyn: akeane@sjnorthcote.catholic.edu.au 




School Counselling Service


We are thrilled to welcome Jo Lindelauf to St Joseph's this term. Jo is an experienced Educational and Developmental Psychologist who has been working in primary schools for a number of years now.


Please get in touch with Ashlyn for more information.




eSafety Parent Webinars


I am excited to share a series of upcoming free parent webinars from The eSafety Commissioner. Please see below :