Student Engagement

It's been a solid start to Term 4! 

Students have settled in beautifully to school routines and are interacting positively with each other both inside and outside the classroom.  Our House Point system is as competitive as ever, especially now that we have K-A-DAY adding to our weekly tallies. It's been great to see the hype in assemblies alongside our much anticipated 'Cool To Be At School' winners.


Even though it is a long term, we are so lucky that it is filled with some fun events to keep us going! All important information is communicated through compass so make sure you tune in!


Upcoming events - 

Year 6 - Mini Fete Fundraiser

School Disco

Grade 5/6 Basketball Division Finals

Swimming Program (Week 5, 6 and 7)

Grade 3/4 Hooptime Regional Finals

Year 6 Camp

End of year concert

Colour Run