Senior School

5/6 JDZ & 5/6 JD


Our focuses in our learning over the past 3 weeks have been: 

Reading - Literacy - Comparing similarities and differences in a variety of texts and using literal and inferred information to respond to questions.

Writing - Exploring various types of Poetry (Senses, Haiku, Quatrain and Cinquain)

Maths - Fractions & Decimals/Multiplication - Multiplication has been our number focus, practising using column multiplication as an effective strategy to solve problems..

In Fractions, we have investigated equivalent fractions, improper fractions, converting fractions to decimals and rounding decimals.


Civics - Laws and Elections - Our topic this term is Civics and Citizenship. We are in the process of investigating what a democracy is, how an election works and how to promote yourself in an election process. Students have decided on a law they would like to change or introduce and will undertake an election process within the class to get others to agree with their proposal. 

At the conclusion of the election, we will set up a mock government and explore how laws are passed through the different stages.


Science - Introduction to chemical science - Students are very excited to conclude the year with chemical science. We will be exploring a range of different experiments and then will make predictions and analyse what happens in a write up. 


St John Ambulance - Teaching basic first aid/CPR - In Week One, we were lucky enough to have visitors from St John Ambulance run our students through CPR training. Students were extremely engaged and were very grateful for the opportunity to participate in valuable, potentially life-saving training!


Engaging and effective Maths lessons - Michael Ymer visited us in Week Two to model effective approaches to teaching Numeracy. Whilst the the experience was more for teachers to observe, the students in 5/6 JDZ enjoyed engaging in the lesson and learning from Michael.


Special shout out goes to our Boys Basketball Team who represented OPS at the Division Finals on Friday. They competed wonderfully and finished Runner's Up! An incredible effort from our boys, we are super proud of them!