Before and After 

School Care (BASC)

We are delighted that the launch of SCECs at SFX, our new Before and After School Care has been successful. This addition has provided convenience and support to our school community.

BASC conducted a survey recently and parents are very happy with the service being provided. I continue to encourage all parents to use the service as it ensures the safety of the children outside school supervision times. 


An area that is of concern to parents and staff both at SFX and SCECs is the gate being open from 7am and then again in the afternoon until 6pm. Any member of the public is able to access the school grounds and be anywhere in the school. Therefore, for the safety of the students and staff particularly at BASC, the gates that access the school playground will be open from 8.20 am, when supervision begins and in the afternoon closed from 3.30 pm when teacher supervision ends.


To access BASC to drop off the students or to pick them up, parents contact BASC on 0457286407 when at the gate and a member of staff from BASC will open the gate. 

School supervision begins at 8.20 am each morning. Any child arriving before this time will need to attend BASC as the only access to the school before 8.20 am is via BASC. Any child that is at the gate at 3.30 pm will be taken to the office as is current practice for parents that are running five minutes late.


The safety of our students and staff is paramount. Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter.