
This term we have been delighting in the crisp Autumnal weather as we play and learn outdoors.
Students have been constructing nature journals using their artworks made from leaf rubbings, sticks and rubber bands.
We have been discussing the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees and why some trees change colour and lose their leaves in Autumn.
We have dug up a bumper crop of Jerusalem Artichokes , which can be roasted like a potato for a delicious treat. Some students also experienced harvesting the seed pods from a Bunya nut!
Students in 1/2 mainstream constructed worm viewers using recycled bottles, gravel, soil and sand, which they will observe over the coming weeks in their classrooms.
In the garden the broad beans and broccoli are growing strong. We have been busy digging, watering and observing things up close with our magnifying glasses.
Today we discovered a possum (wallert) nesting in the hollow of a tree 🌳