
Thanks! This term I have been enjoying watching the confidence of the Foundation and 1/2s in the school as they build their stamina in learning and their capacity to play sport. Learning new skills requires cognitive capacity that joins our brain to our physical bodies. It is a joy to watch these "ah ha" moments where that capability is realised.
The 3/4s have taken to playing basketball at lunch with Keith Howden who - as I remind the children - is 78 years old and has so much wisdom and patience with the children across the school. I leave most of the basketball squad training and a lot of the athletics running events to Keith as he brings his expertise to the training.
The 5/6s are now preparing for the second Gala Day and Winter sports where they will compete and practice in Soccer, Netball and Rounders. The students train with the 5/6 teachers on Fridays to prepare and then in early June they will spend a day playing with the other schools in the district. If you are interested or would like to see your child playing you are welcome to attend and or volunteer on the day. Contact me Leigh or as k or wait for the information when it arrives on compass for your children.
This year we are setting our cut off days for children/parents/carers to reply with permission and attendance as will feel this is something we could all do better, and it places expectations on the students and their families to meet those obligations in a timely manner.
Lastly, I am looking forward to the District Cross Country. This is an event that I run as part of my responsibilities to the district, and I am hoping the weather and all the training the children do works out for them as they run either 2k or 3k events.
Thanks Everyone I hope this gives you an insight into my job in the school and I look forward to discussion your children and their progress in sport at T.P.S.