Year 5/6 Mainstream 

Celebrating Learning


Last Friday grade 5/6 students went on an excursion to Scienceworks to support our learning about Earth and Space Science. Students had a chance to explore all the wonders that Scienceworks has to offer before heading into the planetarium to watch a film about finding water in space. Some highlights of the day included racing Cathy Freeman, reclining in the planetarium and a rare sighting of Carrot Man on the train trip.


Evie says:


“I thought it was really interesting to look at all the different things that science can do and how it’s changed our world today. I also really enjoyed looking at the sports room, it could test your abilities and see your strengths. The planetarium was really interesting to watch because it has a massive projector on the roof and we learnt about where water comes from in space”. 


Luna says:


“The planetarium was really good, the water stuff was really interesting. I dind't know that Uranus and Neptune had water on them”.


Tayah says:


“Scienceworks was the best! The planetarium was really relaxing, I was surprised there was no one falling asleep! I liked racing Cathy Freeman. We definitely need to go there again and next time see the lightning room too!”


Elodie says:


“It was so exciting because we got to see the carrot man (he’s a man that carries a giant paper mache carrot around the city to make people happy). 🥕


Just after we ate lunch we all went to the planetarium which is a really big room with a dome ceiling that is like a really big TV. In there we watched a movie on where we can find water in our solar system.”



Last Thursday, PROJECT ROCKIT came out to run an anti-bullying and cyber safety workshop. Drawing together an evidence base of research and lived experience, the workshops took a vastly different approach to the standard 'anti-bullying approach...' 


Rather than presenting a lesson, motivational talk or lecture, the workshop took a 'show not tell' approach - using a toolkit of high energy activities, role plays, discussion, experiments and 'aha' moments to break through stigmatised issues and allow students to explore their own learning and beliefs.


Here is a recount from Elodie:


The shared space was full of excitement. There were two people at the front of the room that we had never seen before. They started to ask us what social media apps we use and a lot of us said youtube and tic tok.


Shannon and Ella told us stories about themselves when they were in high school.


It was really fun to hear about cyber safety and how to be part of the solution and not part of the problem of cyber bullying. We talked about how to block someone or to report inappropriate or mean posts.


It was a lot of fun and I hope we can do it next year. 





On Friday in MALPA Aunty Shara organised another guest speaker for us! Aunty Michelle from Ambulance Victoria came in to teach us about CPR and DR ABC. She even brought an ambulance into the school yard!


Mason says:
“It was really fun going in the ambulance and getting to touch everything.”
Maggie B says:
“It was fun because I got to lay on the bed and Aunty Michelle made it go up and down”
Maddy says:
“I liked it because if we found something in the ambulance we didn’t understand we would ask Aunty Michelle and she would explain it to us”.
Felix says:
“I learnt CPR and it was really hard because you have to push really hard and it’s hard to do for a long time. I also learnt that you have to put different amounts of pressure depending on the person’s age”. 



This year grade 6 students have the opportunity to participate in the Victorian State Schools Spectacular. We have 16 students participating in the mass dance cast. Students have been working hard all year to learn their choreography with the occasional trip to meet the choreographers and practise with other schools. 


Here is a recount from Astor on our most recent rehearsal day:


"The atmosphere in the gymnasium was a perfect blend of tranquillity and anticipation as the rehearsal got underway."
Last Tuesday, a group of grade 6 students visited Mont Albert Primary School to rehearse for the Victorian State School Spectacular. During the session, we polished up 4 songs and added 2 new ones to our repertoire. The tunes we're dancing to are Joy, Rappers Delight, Hold Back the River, Missirlou, The Only Way Is Up, Don’t Stop Me Now, and Happiness.