A Message from David

Dear parents and carers,
We were delighted with the news this week that we will be receiving funding in the 2024/2025 state budget to commence our school upgrade. We are very fortunate to receive this funding considering that many schools at the same stage of planning missed out. This was due to some strong advocacy from our community as well as our local state Member of Parliament, Kat Theophanous.
The next phase of the project is the design development stage. Design Development is a process of creating a more detailed, refined design and will determine materials, systems, and equipment, with the design beginning to represent the completed building. This stage is then followed by the Tender documentation stage and tendering for construction.
It is anticipated that construction will commence in the first quarter of next year. The project has been designed in a way to minimise impact to the school during construction.
In the first phase of the upgrade, the current multi-purpose building will be converted into a modern art room, enabling the art program to move out of the current art room for the next phase of the project. This next phase includes the construction of the new two-storey addition adjacent to the art room. This includes the new administration area as well as four new classrooms. This phase also includes the construction of the community hub in the north-west corner of the school.
Once these buildings are completed and we are able to move in, the Prep/Steiner wing of the school and the current Language and Culture/ Out of School Hours care wing, will be demolished. The final phase of the project involves the reconfiguring of the current school administration area into the STEM, Food technology classrooms.
We will communicate regular updates through the fortnightly Dhumbadjirri.