5/6 AG

Over the past fortnight, we have been looking at a step in the writing process called 'Show don't Tell'. This step allows students to add greater detail to their writing! It has been really great seeing students become really creative with their writing. Here are some example by Willow and Victoria.
Project Rockit
Last Tuesday we had the team from Project Rockit come out to us and present a unit about Bullying. The purpose of the session was to build a shared understanding of what bullying is and how it impacts those targeted in its various forms. Students engaged in the conversation and were able discuss scenarios and how best to respond. The students really enjoyed participating in the level up game which allowed them to respond to different scenarios and act accordingly.
District Field Athletics
Some of our 5/6s represented the school at district athletics! Well done to all students who participated and gave it their best go! We are very proud of you!
Interschool sports
We had such a fun day with a game against Frankston East Primary School last week. Our 2 Soccer teams and 2 Netball teams went with a few nerves but lost of excitement and came away with 3 wins!! With very little experience amongst most players, it was amazing to see the effort and determination that everyone showed, that it made for such a fantastic morning!
Wishing all of the special ladies in our lives a Happy Mothers Day! We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Miss Ash & Miss Georgia