Principal's Report

Saint Francis Xavier - Principal's Report
Term 2 - Week 4
Dear Parents and Friends of St Francis Xavier,
It was absolutely wonderful to see a packed church this morning for our annual Mother's Day Mass. My sincere thanks to the many mothers, grandmothers and other special ladies who were able join us to celebrate and pray. I would also like to acknowledge the many hours of preparation that our brilliant Education in Faith Leader, Ms. Marion, spent putting the mass together and creating the slideshow.
To the magnificent St Francis Xavier mums and grandmothers who enrich our beautiful school community with their presence, I wish each and every one of you a beautiful day on Sunday.
State Budget
This week the Allan Labor Government announced a $400 School Saving Bonus for all school students in government schools regardless of income, but only for Health Care Card holders in Catholic schools.
This is deeply unfair.
We believe the payment should be means tested for all students or apply to all students.
It should not be based on which school you attend. This policy punishes families for choosing to send their children to a Catholic school.
Our school, St Francis Xavier Primary School and the peak body, the Victorian Catholic Education Authority, are working hard to oppose this policy and we need your help.
We need to show the Victorian Government that punishing families who choose a Catholic school is unacceptable.
Please consider contacting your local Member of Parliament to express your concern. Our school’s local MP is Paul Edbrooke and he can be contacted by calling (03) 9783 9822 or by emailing
Medical Managment Plans
Last week, all families should have received an Operoo Form, explaining the new guidelines in place for administering medication at school.
In accordance with MACS Administration of Medication Policy, all students requiring medication at school will require a completed Medical Authority Form. This form is to be completed by a parent or guardian and signed by a medical professional. No medication can be a administered to a student without a completed Medical Authority Form. Any students currently requiring medication at school will have received a hard copy of the form, which if you are yet to do so needs to be returned to the school ASAP.
The medical authority form is available to download via the school website or you can collect as a hard copy from the office.
I have attached an information sheet for all families to read through. It has been issued by MACS, explaining school funding for students with additional needs.
Please have a read through, and should you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact either our Learning Diversity Leader, Ms. Erin, or myself.
School Photos
School photos are scheduled for next Tuesday, May 14th. Please ensure that all students arrive at school on time, as photos will be taken at the beginning of the day. Additionally, ensure that students are dressed in their full winter uniform. Year 6 students may wear their jackets.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Steve Peart
School Principal