
Leadership Opportunities in Junior Boarding Houses

During Terms 1,2 and 3 many Year 11 students from Weymouth and Wolaroi Houses and Loader, New and Miller Houses will be given the opportunity to showcase and experience leadership positions in either Trathen or Tower Houses on the Wolaroi Campus, or Stuart Douglas House on the PLC Campus. This will give approximately 70 boys and girls the chance to spend a term in a junior house, living and working with boarders in Year 7, 8 and 9. 


Year 11 Weymouth House boys Archie Condon, Nick Tancred, Henry Martel and Harry Dymock spent Term 1 in Tower House as part of the leadership program.  Lily Bruce, Olivia McColl and Ella Hughes spent time living in Stuart Douglas House during Term 1. The leaders have written and outlined their experience below.


Our stay in included living, eating, and interacting with the Year 7 girls or 8 and 9 boys, which would not usually happen in the senior houses. This experience allowed us to get to know the younger boarders and even make new friends, despite the age gap. 
Ultimately, we would highly recommend it to any senior boarders interested. The following points will provide some guidelines of what to expect when becoming a part-time leader in the junior houses.
Acting as a role model for the younger boarders, this includes clean rooms and attending house meetings.
Sometimes assisting the staff members with bedtime in the house.
Showing respect towards staff members – having conversations with Assistant Staff and the Housemother at supper time, helping them prepare supper.
Adding things such as putting yourself to bed, washing out, working during Prep into your weekly routine.
Each of us got our own room.
Our Housemothers make exceptional supper and afternoon teas, as well as giving the seniors all the leftovers.
Tower House is much closer to school and the dining hall than Weymouth and Wolaroi; this helped the boys with getting to rowing/sport on time before and after school.
Daily routines such as Prep, washing and cleaning your room is self-initiated.
Boarding without strict rules such as bedtime, builds independence for daily routines.
Gives an idea of what future leadership roles may be like.
Staff recognise you as a leader of the house.
If a good example is set, the younger boarders will look up to you.
All the staff will have daily conversations with you.
Mr Taylor and Aunty Deb, the Heads of Trathen and Stuart Douglas Houses, have a democratic approach to leadership, this creates a positive environment (as long as boarders play by the rules) throughout the house.
Our housemothers are very generous with suppers, which features butter chicken, spring rolls, fresh fruit platters and pies.
Overall, we thoroughly enjoyed this experience and would recommend it to any Year 11 or 12 student who is considering giving this a go. 

Boarder Parents' Weekend

Our Boarder Parents' Committee have been busy putting together an exciting Boarder Parents' Weekend which will take place on Friday 24 May – Saturday 25 May. We encourage you to come along to renew old acquaintances and make some new friends!


Friday 24 May – Boarding Fathers' Golf Afternoon at Duntryleague 

An opportunity to play golf on the beautiful Duntryleague Golf Course with other boarding dads. You will have the option to play either 18 or 9 holes during the afternoon, with tee-off times between 1.40pm – 2.20pm.


You will need to pay Duntryleague for your golf round on the day, but you will need to book and let us know your preferred tee-off time.  To book for this event, please use


Friday 24 May – Boarding Mothers' Lunch

We are holding a Boarding Mothers' Lunch at the Oriana Retro Hotel, Woodward Street Orange, commencing at 1.00pm. This will be a two-course lunch, served in the Peacock Room, and will provide a chance to meet and talk with other mums over a delicious lunch. 

You will need to book and pay in advance for this event at 

Friday 24 May and Saturday 25 May – Sport from the Sidelines

You will be able to see your children in action at the various hockey, netball, football and rugby fixtures being held around town, including a home rugby game as we take on Cranbrook School.


Saturday 25 May – Boarder Parent Drinks

We will finish our social activities for the weekend with Boarder Parent Drinks at the The Greenhouse, Orange Ex-Services Club, from 6.00pm – 9.00pm.  Those of you who attended our drinks in previous years will know that they provide a great opportunity for new and returning parents to reconnect and make new friends in our boarding community in a relaxed, welcoming atmosphere. Canapes will be served, and drinks will be available for purchase from the bar.


You will need to book and pay for this event at


Please note that all events are for adults only, and the RSVP date for all events is Monday 20 May.


We look forward to seeing you during the weekend!


Kind Regards

Chrissie Baldwinson and Gemma Martel

Boarder Parents Committee