
Term 2, Week 3



Last week, students learned how to be Upstanders, including using the Stop, Walk, and Talk strategy. This week, they started learning about Topic 3 from the Resilience, Rights, and Respectful Relationships Initiative: Positive Coping. In this topic, students will learn about identifying when they may need to use strategies to cope in various situations and how they can help others do the same.


Last week, students also commemorated ANZAC Day in their classrooms through various books and activities. This example shows poppies that were created by Year 2 students, with a character strength written on each stem that ANZACs may have needed through their challenging times.






You may like to complete this activity at home, which is taken from the Year 1-2  Resilience, Rights, and Respectful Relationships booklet. The focus of this activity (Who goes first?) is to teach students about coping with their feelings when they lose or are excluded from a game and the strengths they need to help cope with these emotions.



Activity: Play rounds of Rock, Paper, Scissors, clarifying the agreed rules before starting. This can be an easy game for children to use when trying to work out who goes first in a game or who has the next turn in an activity. As you are playing, identify the feelings each player experiences when they win the game and with they lose. Talk about different scenarios when this game might be useful at home and at school. Can the family think of any other games/strategies that could achieve the same outcome?


If you have any questions about Wellbeing at OOPS, please do not hesitate to email Adam Todd at: adam.todd@education.vic.gov.au