Intermediate Sport

Thursday 2nd May 2024

Intermediate sport was held on Thursday 2nd May with some great results. A huge CONGRATULATIONS to the 100 odd students that attended. The way you conducted yourselves was a credit to the College.




Ripper day for Intermediate Netball! 🏅


Super proud of the 32 year 9 and 10 students who stepped up to represent the school. Everyone showed sports(wo)manship, teamwork, fun and fair play!


🏆 Huge congratulations for Team A  who went undefeated for the competition, winning 6 of 6 games! ✨


Great effort by both B & C teams, with Team B close runners up winning 5 of 6 games and Team C who won 4 of 6 games.




Our AFL boys had some terrific matches only just missing out on playing in the Final after a loss to Parkdale, eventually placing Third. A huge effort to play four matches on the day.



Our A & B Boys Badminton teams battled hard throughout the day but came up against some very high quality opposition. Both teams had wins across the day with the A team finishing 5th, and the B team finishing 6th.




Our Boys Soccer team were undermanned throughout the day but battled through adversity and gave a huge showing of themselves. Whilst they weren’t able to secure a win on the day, games were close and could have gone either way.


Michael Haber

Inter School Sport Coordinator