International Student Program


2024 College Cross Country

Our College Cross Country was held on 23/04 afternoon. All our international students participated in the exciting activity, blessed by beautiful weather. We would like to share some wonderful photos with you all.

Open Night 

This year's College Open Night was scheduled on 24/04/2024 evening. Thank you Ms Podesser who represented our ISP (International Student Program) and EAL (English as Additional Language) domains. Our College runs an EAL course for Y10, Y11 and Y12 students accordingly.

We are very pleased to see that some of our visiting families are interested in  being homestay hosts. 

Career Counselling 

From Week 3 onwards, all our international students will be given an appointment with our Career Pathway Counsellor for their Semester  2/2024 and 2025 course selection.  The handbooks for each  year level and the Y10 Course Selection Guide ( using PowerPoint) are introduced to our students. Our students are always fascinated by the various subjects that the college provides! Students from Vietnam are thrilled that our new Career Pathway Coordinator Mrs Doanvy Roberts can speak Vietnamese very fluently! Thank you Ms Roberts, and also thank you Ms Belinda Wilson, Ms Charmaine Ji and Ms Podesser for all your support and effort. 

Year 10 Immunisation 

On behalf of our parents/guardians, and students,  we would like to take this opportunity to thank Kingston Council's Immunisation Team  for offering the Y10  immunisation service to our students, in particular, to our college teacher Ms Elizabeth Commons who  organised the service smoothly and successfully. 


Qun Joan Mau

International Student Coordinator