Student Leaders News & Awards

Antonella Tsakmakis - Wellbeing Leader



Each week an award will be given to a student who demonstrates

one or all of our school values:    

Community   Excellence   Respect

This week we congratulate Alex in Year 3/4 for having an excellent

attitude to his learning and being a helpful member of our class.



Class Awards Term Two Week 4 

Class awards are presented to students who have demonstrated great effort and achievement in their learning, collaboration and initiative as well as  resilience, and kindness in their classroom this week. 


GradeStudent’s NameAwarded for...

Prep AK


LeoWriting an amazing recount of our excursion to Bundoora Park Farm! 
Prep SVTaylor For working very hard to improve his listening skills and encouraging others to do the same.

1/2  AS



Improvement in his reading!

Keep up the great work. Well done.

1/ 2  DGArchieFor your tremendous effort in your learning and the positivity you bring each day!

1/ 2 MB


Molly For fantastic leadership in the school and taking pride in all of her tasks. You are a star Molly! Keep up the amazing work. 

3/4 TR







Being responsible for her learning this week and great participation in swimming lessons.


For working really hard on completing his narrative writing

3/ 4  MG




Great self management and resilience in her work. Thank you Casey.
3/ 4  VA



For the great pride he takes in the presentation of his work.  Thank you Jyrus.

5/6  FA


Edith Showing determination in class to complete set tasks.

Performing Arts- 

Ms Stanton

Clementine (5/6 BOC)For showing a confident and well prepared singing and acting audition.
ScienceMs ColleenLula in 1/2Amazing effort drawing a life cycle

Visual Arts

Ms Colleen

Roman in 3/4Excellent interpretation of the Mona Lisa


Student Leaders and SRC Meeting

Term Two    Week 4

Present: Lendrick, Chloe, Chelsea, Amelia Vo, William,

Cesafino, Angela, Hannah, Clem and Ari, Vihhan,

Mikayla and Anthony Vo 

Date: Tuesday 7 May 2024 

Teacher Present: Mrs Antonella


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  learning this week? 

Prep AK - 7 we are learning about shapes and how to draw them 

Prep SV - 7 learning to write by ourselves

1/2 MB -   8  persuasive writing and sharing our opinions

1/2 DG - 7  writing - I can convince someone that riding my bike is better than walking

1/2 AS  7 guided  reading groups and everyone is getting better at reading

3/4 TR - 7 writing narratives using our writing goals 

3/4 MG - 7maths and timetables challenge for 5 minutes every day

3/4 VA - 7 more focus is needed by everyone to complete learning tasks

5/6 BOC -  7 writing informative texts, Science

5/6 FA - 9 for focusing on math tasks and challenging ourselves


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  working together this week?

Prep AK - 7 we need to remind each other to listen to the speaker

Prep SV - we need to push in our chairs and pack up our space

1/2 MB -  7/10 Lots of people are doing great jobs but some people need to collaborate more

1/2 DG - working in our math groups and packing up when we leave the other class

1/2 AS 8 we can improve by helping each other and asking for help

3/4 TR - 8 we are listening and doing our work well

3/4 MG - 7 we can’t always choose our friends to work with in group work

3/4 VA - 7 we are not helping each other as much as we should

5/6 BOC  - 6 we need to work together and not disagree

5/6 FA - 10 for swimming and working well in the team beep test


Learning and events at Trinity this week:

Sacrament of Reconciliation for Year 3 students on Tuesday at 6 pm

Writers Festival Excursion

Prep afternoon tea on Wednesday for Mothers day and Special person

Mothers day and Special person  stall on Thursday and Friday

Mothers day and Special person breakfast on Friday morning

Walk safely to school day on Friday

Cross country sports for years 3-6

What can we improve

 on this week:

  Class                     Actions

Lining up when we hear the bell, collecting our lunch boxes and being ready to walk into class.

We prepare for meditation



Remind each other that this is expected.

We stop playing and go to our line- go to have a drink, toilet and wait for our teacher to bring us into class.


Running in the playground, waiting our turn on the play equipment





Move safely at all times, be careful of playing on the soccer field


Soccer nets





Nets have been damaged because people climb on them.

Suggestions from the SRC

“Class of the week”- to have some free time

More Nude food days to have less rubbish at school and be more aware of how much rubbish we have in the bins 


Safety issues from the SRC

PREPS - Going up and down the stairs - use the handrail, one step at a time, no jumping from steps

5/6- Sometimes there is water on the floor in toilets upstairs- let your teachers know and report to the office


If at any time you would like to chat about anything wellbeing related at Trinity, or you have any questions or concerns about your child's wellbeing, please do not hesitate to see your child's teacher or myself. 

Antonella Tsakmakis

Wellbeing Leader