Family Engagement in Learning

Hello Trinity Families,
Next week is National Careers Week and we are very excited to be celebrating this special week at Trinity.
Our Years 3-6 students will be treated to some guest speakers On Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Thank you to the parents from our community who have volunteered to come in and share their journey in the workforce with our students. Children are never too young to start thinking about what their interests are, and at Trinity we would love to give them as much exposure to different areas of work as possible. You never know what idea or experience they hold on to which helps them decide what they would like to pursue later in life!
On Wednesday we will have our 'When I Grow Up' dress up day. Please discuss with your child what interests them and see what you have around the house that they could use as part of their dress up.
We are very excited for this special week and the rich discussions students will have in their classes about what they might like to do in the future.
Have a great week!
Bridget O'Connor