Wellbeing Officer
“Be the reason someone smiles today.”
Wellbeing Officer
“Be the reason someone smiles today.”
Is your wellbeing taking a hit with all the interest rate rises, increased petrol and grocery bills and general increased cost of living? Then these money saving tips might help improve your wellbeing prov=ces??
Money Bootcamp - 300+ Ways to Save Money
Around the house
1. Make sure you have adequate insurance!
2. Shop around for house and contents cover. A few phone calls could save you over $100 per annum.
3. Save on your power bill and wash clothes in cold water.
4. Turn the thermostat down on your water system.
5. Dry your clothes, sheets, towels etc on the washing line whenever possible.
6. Also wash during off-peak times (if you have a contract that has an off-peak option).
7. For coffee lovers - buy an espresso machine. A large initial outlay can save you hundreds in the long term!
8. Research your gas and electricity options. Go to yourchoice.vic.gov.au
9. Turn lights off when you’re not in the room.
10. Don’t use standby. Australian households spend almost $1 billion per year in standby power. It’s around 10% of the average electricity bill.
11. Install a water-efficient shower head to save up to $100 each year.
12. Reduce the length of your showers.
13. Buy energy-efficient appliances. And remember that each 1 degree increase in heating can increase your heating costs by around 10%.
14. Use energy-efficient lightbulbs.
15. Insulation. It can save you up to $200 per annum on heating costs.
16. Get a smart metre. They will tell you how much power you are using.
17. Use your oven on fan-forced rather than conventional as it uses around 30% less energy.
18. Use the energy-saving option on your dishwasher and if you’re buying a new one, choose the most energy-efficient star rating you can find.
19. Wait until your dishwasher is full before running it.
20. Join the 10% challenge at 10percentchallenge.com.au
21. Need to redo your garden? Ask family and friends for cuttings or bulbs from their established plants and save a fortune!
22. Grow your own herbs to add a free dash of flavour to your meals.
23. Plant water friendly plants/natives as another way to reduce your water use.
24. Clean the clutter off the top of your fridge. Poor ventilation can add up to 15% to the energy cost of running your fridge.
25. Position your fridge away from the oven, to use less energy.
26. Don’t build too much storage. The more storage space we have, the more stuff we accumulate to put in it!
27. Get regular pest control. A small regular outlay that can potentially save you heaps down the track!
Child-related (preschool)
28. Join your local playgroup for a fun and inexpensive way to entertain the kids.
29. Try cheaper nappy brands to save several hundred dollars per year.
30. Buy nappies in bulk when they are on special…
31. … or try cloth nappies!
32. Arrange reciprocal babysitting with friends and enjoy some time out.
33. Join a toy library. Cost effective, constant variety and less clutter!
34. Make your own baby food. Two jars a day costs around $730 per annum – it’s much cheaper to make your own!
35. Making things with Play-Doh, cardboard and sticky tape is a popular and cheap way to entertain the kids.
36. Surf your local council website for free family activities during school holidays.
37. Picnics, playgrounds, parks, bike tracks and dog parks are free - and fun.
38. Arrange catch ups with friends at home rather than at a café.
39. Buy secondhand clothes and equipment (where practical, and provided it meets safety standards).
40. Borrow from family and friends. There are many items (such as a baby bath, for example) which are only used for a few months and take up a lot of space.
41. Shop on eBay/Marketplace for both new and secondhand items - you can save a fortune!
42. Give practical gifts (and hope for the same in return). Most children have far too many toys – clothing and toiletries are often a better idea.
Child-related (school age)
43. Check out the secondhand deals at the school uniform shop.
44. Try op-shops for children’s clothes and toys.
45. Be strategic about the other clothes you buy them. Just like us, kids can end up with an over-full wardrobe of mismatched items that they don’t wear.
46. Label your child’s belongings. A small outlay on nametags could save a large outlay on lost items!
47. Buy as many school books as possible secondhand, either from school sales or online.
48. Be strategic about the number of extra-curricular activities they do. It’s possible to have too much of a good thing!
49. With regards to extra-curricular activities, try to organise cost-effective group sessions rather than one-on-one coaching.
50. Say no sometimes. Children do not need every new toy and gadget that comes on the market – not even if everyone in the class has it.
51. Do lots of family activities together. Go for a bike ride, or rollerblading, or walk the dog
52. If you are eligible, don’t forget to claim any Centrelink benefits.
53. Use council libraries rather than buying a lot of children’s books.
54. Budget for children’s birthdays - both your children and their friends. Shop in advance and have a cupboard where you can store gifts until they are needed.
55. Limit canteen purchases to once a week or special occasions.
56. Teach your children good spending habits by being a good role model.
57. Teach your children about the value of money by having them do chores for their pocket money.
58. Make it compulsory for children to save some of their pocket money on a regular basis. Some banks have excellent children’s bonus saver accounts.
59. Teach your children to share. They do not need a computer/Nintendo/particular toy each!
Discretionary costs
60. Alternate alcohol with water. This has a double benefit of costing you less and you’ll feel a whole lot better!
61. Take cash. Taking only cash on a night out limits how much you can spend. Otherwise it’s easy to get carried away and spend a lot more than we meant to.
62. Be the designated driver sometimes.
63. Take advantage of happy hours!
64. Look objectively at the subscriptions and memberships that you have and decide whether you’re getting good value from each of them.
65. Budget for gifts and plan them in advance. Over a year, they probably add up to more than you think!!
66. Check your local council website to see what events are coming up.
67. Have a BYO barbeque with friends as an alternative to going out.
Food and grocery-related
68. Taking a cut lunch to work could potentially save you over $1,000 per annum.
69. Making school lunches at home could save hundreds of dollars as well.
70. Shop around. Whether its at Aldi, Woolworths or Coles. A Choice investigation found Aldi to be over 25 per cent cheaper than Coles and Woolworths! Or try Costo or NQR (Not Quite Right).
71. Try and cut your grocery spending by 10%. You could save more than $1,500 each year! .
72. Shop with a friend. If you want the savings available by buying in bulk then get some friends together and split the produce.
73. Write a weekly meal menu. It helps ensure that you have the ingredients handy, saving time and reducing the need to buy takeaway.
74. Consider generic at the supermarket. Many home-brand products are great quality and around 20% cheaper.
75. Read the unit prices. As well as the $ price, supermarkets display the ‘per unit’ or ‘per kg’ price on most goods. So make sure that you are buying cost effectively.
76. Buy basic items on special - dry goods that you know will get used can be stocked up on when on special.
77. Avert your eyes from the ‘queue tempting’ items at the checkout.
78. By making your own cleaning products at home you can add an extra $340 a year to your bank account. With a box of bicarb soda, a bottle of white vinegar, a tub of borax and a bar of laundry soap you can clean your whole house - Cath Armstrong, www.cheapskates.com.au.
79. Cut out prepackaged snacks. Expensive !
80. Instead, make and freeze your own muffins, slices and cakes for when that snack attack occurs.
81. Make your own ‘takeaway’ by cooking double potions and freezing half. Casseroles, bolognaise sauce, curries, lasagna and soup all freeze well.
82. Keeping a running shopping list on your fridge avoids those extra trips to the shops for one or two items (which always involves seven or eight impulse buys!)
83. Only buy the items on your shopping list.
84. Grow your own veggies. They’ll taste great!
85. Buy meat in bulk and freeze it in dinner-sized portions.
86. Using a slow cooker can be a great way to use cheaper cuts of meat to create a delicious meal.
87. Don’t shop so often. Apart from perishables, do one fortnightly shop only.
88. Use an app. It’s easy to keep a running shopping list on your iPhone.
89. Mix your meals with some vegetarian ones now and then.
90. Buy a juicer. Fresh, healthy and a lot cheaper!
91. Take your own shopping bags. If you’re popping in to the shops for one or two items, then take your own bag with you. It limits how much you can carry and helps avoid impulse buys.
92. Also, take cash. Likewise, if you are buying just a few items then take in just the cash you’ll need.
93. Or if you don’t like using cash, link your credit/debit card to point plans i.e., Qantas, everyday rewards, Fly Buys etc.
94. Read the junk mail so that you know about any special deals.
95. Buy in bulk where possible.
96. Don’t go shopping when you’re hungry! This may lead to impulse purchases.
Financial products and administrative tips
97. Pay your bills on time and avoid late fees.
98. Likewise, monitor your bank balance to avoid paying overdrawn fees - they can be $50 a pop!
99. If you struggle with your bills, set up a regular repayment amount to even out the cashflow.
100. Phone your bank and ask for a discount on your mortgage interest rate. Even a 0.10% discount could save you thousands!
101. Can you pay extra onto your mortgage? On a $700,00 mortgage over 30 years at current rates you could potentially save up to $67,975 in interest costs by paying an extra $100 a month.
102. Pay your mortgage fortnightly rather than monthly, to save a bit extra.
103. Consider using a mortgage offset account, if it doesn’t cost you any extra.
104. And if borrowing money, ask for the application fee to be waived.
105. Have a written budget to control your expenses. Money Smart have a great online budget planner. Check out moneysmart.gov.au
106. Track your expenses on a weekly basis. Some bank apps have functions that do this for you!
107. If you need a credit card, select one that suits your shopping habits. Paid off every month? Get a long interest-free period. Always carrying a balance? Get a low ongoing interest rate. Try www.ratecity.com.au for card comparison rates.
108. Set up a repayment plan to get your credit card paid off. Once your card is paid off, ditch it!
109. Roll your credit card into a low interest rate one and start paying it off.
110. Only ever allow yourself to have one credit card.
111. Assess whether the rewards points are really worthwhile.
112. Enquire whether you could roll your credit card into your mortgage (then cancel it).
113. Reduce your credit limit as you reduce your debt, to avoid piling it up all over again.
114. Take your credit card out of your wallet before you go shopping, to avoid impulse buys.
115. Ignore offers from your bank to increase your credit limit.
116. Check internet banking daily. Often we have direct debits set up that we’ve forgotten about. Checking your balances daily will keep you on top of what you’re spending.
117. Get a debit card for all future expenses.
118. Check your bank account statements to ensure that the interest rate and fees are correct and that you have not been charged for purchases you didn’t make.
119. Remember that there are no ‘get rich quick’ schemes!’
120. You may also have lost money sitting in bank accounts, company shares or life insurance policies. You can search for unclaimed money on ASIC’s consumer website moneysmart.gov.au
121. Ensure that you have a current Will in place.
122. Use a cooling off period before using your card to ensure you really want the purchase.
General tips
123. Join a net-based budgeting club. While they may have a membership fee, websites such aswww.cheapskates.com.au or www.simplesavings.com.au can provide tips, discussions and inspiration for those wanting to learn how to budget.
124. Educate yourself. The internet also offers some excellent sources of free money management education. Try government websites such as www.understandingmoney.gov.au and www.fido.gov.au
125. To ensure you get value for money, research before you buy. Try the Choice website (www.choice.com.au) for unbiased product reports.
126. Next time you fill a prescription at the chemist, consider buying the generic version. They are chemically equivalent but usually cost less.
127. Use discount chemists for routine purchases.
128. Ensure that you and your partner are registered as a family for the Medicare Safety Net, rather than as two individuals. This will lower your Medicare Safety Net threshold.
129. Keep all receipts for out of pocket medical expenses. You can claim a tax offset of 20 per cent of your net medical expenses over $2,000.
130. Private health insurance can be expensive but can save you a lot of money as well. Compare costs and features of funds at www.privatehealth.gov.au
131. With health insurance, make sure you’re not paying for things that you don’t need.
132. Question whether you need the vitamins that you’re taking - they can cost a lot of money!
133. Walk, or swim at your local council pool as an alternative to gym fees.
134. Before buying a yearly gym membership, try it for a few weeks first to make sure you will keep going.
135. Prevention is cheaper than a cure, so try to pay attention to your diet and exercise, to stay in good shape!
136. Also, get regular health checks from your doctor to make sure you’re healthy. Check whether your health fund or your employer provides any benefits.
137. Ensure that you have ambulance cover, if it is not automatically provided.
138. Have pet insurance for emergencies.
139. Start a walking/riding/running group with friends.
140. Double check what you can claim with health insurance.
141. Ask for advice with insurance broker/online ‘choice’ site.
142. Self-fund elective surgery.
Hitting the shops …
143. Recognise the hard sell. Despite advertisements telling you to ‘act now to avoid disappointment’, there is rarely any need to ‘act now’. Some sales people and advertisements may try to target your emotions (fear, self-doubt) to make a sale. Recognise the ‘hard-sell’ for what it is and take your time.
144. Update your wardrobe with accessories rather than new items for a cost-effective fashion hit.
145. Mix and match, to get the most use from your clothes.
146. Using layby options instead of credit helps prevent both impulse buys and expensive debt.
147. Try to have a shopping plan before you go to the shops. Being strategic about what you need helps avoid impulse buys.
148. If you are trying to budget without using credit cards, try working off cash only. No credit, no eftpos. Simply withdraw the cash you need for the week, and make it last.
149. Always ask for a discount. You might be amazed how often stores say ‘yes’!
150. You can attract an even bigger discount by paying with cash!
151. Plan spending sprees in advance so you can shop when the sales are on.
152. Read your junk mail - there are bargains to be had!
153. But remember that it’s not a bargain if you don’t need it!
154. Window shop first (either physically or online) so that you know what you really want to buy.
155. Check your birthday calendar before you go shopping. Planning ahead can save money on those last-minute gift purchases.
156. Take your own water and food when you go shopping. Unless you’re catching up with friends, you don’t need to spend money on food when you’re shopping.
157. Start saving early for Christmas. It’s an expensive time of year and can land us in a world of credit card pain in January!
158. Put desirable items on hold and sleep on it.
159. Take a shopping buddy to talk you out of impulsive purchases.
160. If possible, borrow outfits for special occasions from friends.
161. Try wotif.com or lastminute.com.au for good deals.
162. Think local! Try camping instead.
163. Have travel insurance. It won’t save you money upfront, but could potentially save you heaps down the track!
164. Shop around for travel insurance online to get the best deal.
165. Sign up for alerts for cheap airfares (Jetstar Friday Frenzie, Luxury Escapes etc).
166. When flying, see if you can manage with just hand luggage, or one suitcase between you to make the fare cheaper.
167. Get public transport to the airport instead of a taxi.
168. When possible, try to travel off-peak.
169. When booking accommodation, book a place with a self-contained kitchen to save a lot of food-related money.
170. Never be shy to phone the hotel directly and negotiate a rate!
171. Package deals can be great value for money.
172. If travelling overseas, plan your holiday to take advantage of the currency conversions.
173. Consider house swaps as a fun alternative.
174. Set yourself a daily spending allowance - it’s easy to get carried away!
175. Limit the ‘big’ holidays you do. Local trips can be just as much fun.
176. If possible, try to schedule a work-related conference as part of your trip.
177. Plan ahead.
178. Compare flight prices with web jet at webjet.com.au.
179. Stay with friends or family where possible.
180. Travel with a friend to split costs.
181. Attend a free travel show for show specials.
Making more money…
182. Sell pre-loved items on Marketplace/eBay to help fund new purchases.
183. Spring clean your home and have a garage sale. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure!
184. Turn your hobby into an income stream, if possible (for example, selling craft at etsy.com).
185. Increase your qualifications. Take advantage of any additional training offered by your employer.
186. Be more assertive in your performance reviews! Don’t underestimate your value to the company.
187. Look into a second job on the weekend i.e., Uber.
188. Ask for a pay rise.
189. Make a decision to cut costs. The right attitude is half the battle!
190. Communicate with your partner. You don’t need to agree on everything, but it does help if you’re both committed to saving.
191. Work on your relationship. Divorce/separation is not only emotionally devastating; it can be one of the most expensive things we ever do as well.
192. Sort out your wants from your needs - and purchase your needs first!
193. Get in the habit of saving. Never think that there is an amount too small to save. Even if it’s $10 a week – or less – being in the habit of saving regularly is an important first step.
194. Understand why you treat money the way you do. Your upbringing, work and friends all influence your attitudes and behaviours around money.
195. Recognise your vices. Understand your financial trigger points (in a general sense). For example, are you competitive – keeping up with the Joneses to your financial detriment? Or are you timid – allowing investment opportunities to bypass you through fear of failure?
196. Just say no. Don’t feel pressured by friends, kids or colleagues into spending money you don’t have. It’s okay to say ‘no’ now and then!
197. Don’t try to ‘keep up with the Joneses’. It’s not worth the stress and won’t make you happier in the long run!
198. Take responsibility for your behaviour. Understand the way that your upbringing affects your current attitudes and beliefs but acknowledge that your behaviour is ultimately your responsibility.
199. Draw a line in the sand. Make the decision that the past is the past, and whilst you will learn from it you will not spend your precious time and energy regretting it.
200. Identify any mentors. Some family and friends may also be ideal mentors for you on this cost-cutting journey - which, let’s face it, is a long-term goal.
201. Be honest with yourself. Is there any other reason why you might be reluctant to get your finances in order? If so address it now.
202. Do it now! Our own procrastination prevents us from doing so many things in life. Make a commitment to positive change now.
203. Have some written goals and stay focused on them.
204. Never hesitate to get help. If you are in financial strife, take advantage of the free financial counselling service available. Check financialcounsellingaustralia.org.au for a list of financial counselling organisations. Crossway have a great free financial mentoring service. Check coach@crosswaylifecare.org.au
Shopping online: Where? What? And how to control your costs!
205. strawberrynet.com for beauty products
206. Facebook Marketplace or eBay.com.au or gumtree.com.au - for everything!
207. Special deals – scoopon, livingsocial, groupon.com.au, catchoftheday.com.au
208. wotif.com for travels
209. backcountry.com for outdoor gear
210. freecycle.org to swap items
211. redballoon.com.au for gift vouchers
212. asos.com for clothing
213. amazon.com for books, CDs and DVDs
214. ticketmaster.com.au for shows
215. craftdepot.com.au for craft supplies
216. coles.com.au and woolworths.com.au for groceries
217. appliancesonline.com.au for appliances
218. halftix.com.au for discounted tickets to shows and events
219. lasttix.com.au for last-minute deals on tickets to shows and events
220. perfumegenie.com.au or go to ‘Palermo Prufumes’ for cheaper perfume
221. stringersports.com.au for sports gear222. www.hotdockets.com.au for shop-a-docket bargains
223. Sell unwanted gift vouchers online at www.cardlimbo.com.au
224. Try to find sites (or sellers) that offer free shipping, so you don’t get caught out by shipping costs.
225. Also keep an eye on currency exchange rates!
226. Don’t give in to impulse buying - wait 24 hours and decode whether it’s something that you really need.
227. Google ‘promotional codes’ to see whether there are any additional discounts you can access before you buy.
228. If you buy vouchers, make sure you use them before they expire!
229. Set up a paypal account to purchase online - it’s not only safer but works out the correct exchange rate for you as well!
230. Consider regular purchases as much as one-offs.
231. Unsubscribe from emails if you need to - be proactive not reactive.
232. Life, total and permanent disability and income protection insurance can all be paid via your superannuation fund - easier for everyday cash flow.
233. Contributing up to $1,000 into your superannuation fund could potentially net you a government co-contribution of up to $500. Learn more at www.ato.gov.au
234. Make sure you are not paying excessive fees. Shop around for your superannuation to ensure that you have a good balance of fees and return.
235. Take an active interest in where the money is invested.
236. Find your lost superannuation. More than $15 billion dollars is sitting in lost superannuation funds around the country. Some of it could be yours!
237. Consolidate your superannuation. Don’t pay fees on multiple accounts!
238. Consider whether to salary sacrifice. This is something to discuss with your accountant!
239. Depending on your income level, you could also consider the co-contribution. This is another item to discuss with your accountant.
240. Contribute extra superannuation on top of what your employer is contributing.
241. File your receipts in a central location to maximise your tax deductions.
242. Take a photo of each of your receipts and store them online, just in case you lose the paper version.
243. Pay all your tax deductible expenses before 30 June each year.
244. Don’t forget about tax deductions such as donations and income protection.
245. Always get a receipt. If you are ever in doubt as to whether something might be claimable, get a receipt just in case!
246. Also, pay as many tax deductible expenses as possible in the name of the higher income earner. A $1,000 expense for someone on a 30% tax rate would result in a $300 refund; a $1,000 expense for someone on 45% tax rate would result in a $450 refund!
247. Surf the tax office website (www.ato.gov.au) to ensure you are claiming everything you can.
248. Don’t forget work related deductions such as self-education expenses, laptop/laptop bags, car and other travel expenses.
249. Keep a log book for your travel.
250. Ask colleagues what types of items they are claiming, just to ensure you haven’t overlooked anything.
251. Keep your paperwork for seven years - just in case you get audited!
252. Prepay. If you need a quick tax-deduction hit in this financial year, some expenses, such as income protection and interest on an investment loan, can be prepaid.
253. Don’t forget about rebates, such as the 20% medical expenses rebate on out of pocket costs over $2,000.
254. In fact, sometime in May, check to see how close you are to the medical expenses threshold and if you have any upcoming appointments, schedule and pay them before the end of financial year.
255. Call your accountant before June 30 to check whether there is anything else you should be claiming.
256. If you don’t have an accountant, use the ATO helpline on 13 28 61.
257. Keep the Family Assistance Office updated. The amount of Family Tax Benefit and Childcare Benefit that you might be eligible for will depend upon your family’s income level - and it’s always safer to overestimate your income rather than underestimate it! So if, when you put your tax paperwork together, you realise that your earnings have changed then make sure that you give the Family Assistance Office a call on 13 61 50.
258. Make sure that you are indeed receiving all the family benefits you might be entitled to.
259. Talk to a financial planner about your money and situation.
260. Review your internet plan. Plans change all the time and there are more than 800 internet service providers in Australia.
261. Monitor your usage. Otherwise you can end up with a big bill at the end of the month!
262. Review your mobile phone plan. There are hundreds of different contracts available. Try www.phonechoice.com.au to help narrow the search.2
63. With regards to your mobile phone, avoid the temptation to continually upgrade.
264. Be aware that pre-paid options can be expensive.
265. Turn off roaming data when you go overseas.
266. Use Skype/zoom/teams for long-distance and overseas calls
267. Consider whether you really need entertainment subscriptions i.e., Foxtel, Netflix etc.
268. Do you really as much data as you are paying for?
269. Use your neighbour’s wi-fi instead (no, just kidding!).
270. Make sure that you have a password on your own wi-fi to avoid others using it!
271. Don’t set and forget your technology bills. The offerings change continually, so try to review them each year.
272. If you buy books, then consider buying the e-book versions as they tend to be cheaper.
273. Use utility comparison websites.
“Tightarse” tips
274. Think before you phone! Could you send an email or message instead? Use your cheapest option!
275. Before buying something, calculate how many hours of work it takes to earn the purchase price. An easy way to sort the impulse buys from the real wants!
276. Start a coin jar. Throwing your silver and gold into a (non-opening) coin jar each day can build up very quickly. You could try matching a dollar for the number of week in the year i.e., in week 10 you contribute $10, in week 11 you contribute $11.
277. There are many op shops, and trash and treasure markets out there.
278. Keep a spreadsheet or download an App on your phone to track your spending. If you’re not sure where all your money goes then a fantastic way to track every dollar you spend, every day.
279. Borrow books from the library rather than buying, particularly adult books that may only be read once. You can also borrow DVDs from the library.
280. If you buy magazines, get an annual subscription. It’s usually 40% or more cheaper than the cover price.
281. Drink tap water. Infuse it with lime or mint to be refreshing.
282. Take you own snacks to the movies if possible!
283. Plan your weekly errands to occur on the one day, to avoid unnecessary car travel (and save time!)
284. Check with your employer to see whether they have an employee benefits plan.
285. Direct debit your bills, to avoid late fees.
286. Make homemade gifts, such as gourmet cookies or jam.
287. Make homemade cards and paper as well.
288. Re-use your teabags.
889. Suggest a ‘secret santa’ for extended family at Christmas, so that each person receives one nice gift.
290. Cut down on your alcohol intake - either have alcohol-free weeks or alternate an alcoholic drink with water.
291. Use your older bread for croutons or toast.
292. Stop smoking! Good for your health and your budget!
293. Make lunch/coffee at home and take it to work.
294. Purchase the Entertainment Book and use it.
295. Washing your own car can save around $30 a pop. Buy the kids a chamois each and let them spray each other with the hose. They’ll love it!
296. Wash your own dog, too!
297. Buying a car at the end of financial year or when they are changing over the models can often net you big savings…
298. … or consider using a car buying service such as www.privatefleet.com.au.
299. When buying a car, weigh up whether the ‘extras’ such as rustproofing, fabric protection and extended warranties are really worth the price.
300. Clear the clutter from your car. Every 50 kilos of extra weight increases your fuel consumption by about 2%.
301. Drive outside peak hour where possible. Traffic interruptions account for up to 40% of our city fuel consumption.
302. Ride or walk or use public transport instead of driving where possible.
303. Buy your public transport tickets monthly for the discount.
304. Take up offers of subsidized travel offered by some workplaces (for example, a commuter club).
305. Alternatively, try to arrange a carpooling group with colleagues or neighbours.
306. Work out what type of car insurance you need and look at strategies to make it cheaper. A higher excess, limiting the number of drivers, checking whether a no-claim bonus might be available are all ways to reduce the premium.
307. Plus – shop around for your car insurance and bundle multiple policies together if possible.
308. Consider being a one-car family.
309. You can use the ‘Petrol Spy’ app to show you where the cheapest petrol is.
310. Use shopping dockets to make your fuel cheaper.
311. Use special parking deals when possible.
312. Buy your petrol on cheaper fuel days. Wednesday is typically cheaper.