Principal's Report

Joshua Sheffield                                                                                                 



The State Budget always presents a very significant time for government schools, with the vast majority of our funding being provided by the state government and only a very small percentage from the Federal Government. This year, especially so given the $9.8 million funding pledge that preceded the last election. 


After receiving the first part of this funding in last year’s budget to develop a master plan and detailed design for our school, I like many of you, am disappointed that we have not been allocated the remainder in this year’s budget. 


It is important to understand that this delays the beginning of the build, it is still very much expected that the project will be funded and completed. We are not yet at a stage where we are ready to proceed to tender and thus, even should the funding have landed, we would have been doing very well to begin any work by the end of the year. Thus not receiving the funds this budget likely delays the completion by perhaps 6-9 months when the assured funding is received. The CEO of the Victorian School Building Authority has assured me in writing that we will continue to work through the Planning Phase to the Tender Documentation Phase. This means that “our project will be fully designed and documented, ready to go to market as soon as funding is confirmed”. 


So again, whilst I share in your disappointment at this time, I am looking forward to continuing the work on planning throughout this year (which I will share as soon as possible) ready for building to hopefully start in 2025.



The new School Saving Bonus was also a key feature of the budget. This one-off support will include $400 for each eligible student to help families cover the costs of school uniforms and activities in 2025. It will be available to parents and carers of every child enrolled in a Victorian government school in 2025.


Cash will not be paid directly to individuals or families. Instead, families will receive the bonus as credits on their school accounts that will help meet the costs of your children’s activities and uniforms.


More information of this will be provided as it comes to hand, however this will support you in paying for the many extra and co-curricular activities that our school offers.


Ensuring the safety of your children is our highest priority. We can accept duty of care for your children only after 8:45am (or upon drop off after this time) and until 3:45pm (or once you have collected them). 

If your child arrives at school before 8:45am, they still remain in your duty of care, whether you are present or not. The yard is unsupervised at this time. We ask that no students are on-site without parent supervision before 8:45am for their own safety and wellbeing and your peace of mind. 


Enrolments are open for 2025 Foundation students, and will remain so until the end of July. For those of you who have younger children starting at HPS next year, please find the enrolment information and forms on our website, or come to the office to collect hard copy forms. If you have friends/family who don’t attend Hampton, they can find all tour information and bookings available on our website. 


Congratulations to Linda and the team that supported with the organisation of the Mothers’ Day Lunch last week. The event was a huge success with over 100 mums attending and having an excellent time, and raised over $3,500 for the school. These funds will be allocated toward the investment in a student-led Sustainability / STEAM initiative which I am excited to share news of with you soon.


We look forward to welcoming all mums and female carers (or pseudo-mums for the afternoon!) to the Wonderful Women’s Day on Friday afternoon. Please join us for a light refreshment and chat from 2:00pm in the Quad before joining your children for a class activity from 2:30pm. Both the Grade 4 students and I will unfortunately be on camp (or returning from camp), and will miss being involved this year. 


New & Important Dates

  • Grade 4 Camp: 8th May
  • No Assembly this Friday: Wonderful Women's Day instead
  • District Cross Country (Gr 3-6): 15th May
  • Grade 6 Camp: 20th May
  • Division Cross Country (Gr 3-6): 23rd May

To stay up to date with all events and key dates, see the Compass Calendar. 



Congratulations to our Grade 6 Futsal Team who last week finished runner up in the State Final, losing 1-0 in a very close game. The team still progress to the National finals later in the year and we wish them well in Brisbane at this event.

Five students from the side were also selected to play for Victoria in the National School Futsal Championships this September. Well done to River B, Woody W, Miles A, Freddie S and Callan J on such an outstanding recognition of their performance throughout the championships.


Congratulations to our wonderful Foundation students on their I Can Dance performances earlier this week. Their enthusiasm to perform in front of a big audience and do such a wonderful job was a joy to see. I enjoyed seeing lots of smiling mums, dads and children throughout the ones I managed to catch!