Year 11 Subject Selection Process 

Year 10 is a pivotal time in a student's schooling as they are tasked with selecting the pathway and subjects that they will study in Years 11 and 12.


At The King's College, Year 10 students will undertake a range of career-related activities to help them know and understand themselves and how that might translate into a career.


This includes:

  • Explicit career-related lessons that occur during Term 2.
    • Students will identify their interests and strengths and explore various careers and occupations.
    • Each student will develop an online Individual Career Pathway Plan to assist them in subject selection and beyond.
  • A Parent Information Evening.
  • Individual counselling with parents and students to identify their school pathway and subject selection.
  • An opportunity for work experience to help students “test” their intended occupation plan by obtaining relevant work experience and to develop their employability skills.

In our ever-changing work landscape, sometimes parents may feel ill-equipped to advise their children about what path to take. There are many resources to support parents in this journey. Some relevant links are provided below.


What will my child be learning?

An outline of the career lessons students will be undertaking is available below.  By being aware of this learning, you can support your child at home to complete the activities and engage in meaningful discussions with them. 


Additional Resources

Career Learning at the King's College for Year 10 Students

Year 10 students participate in explicitly taught career learning activities over five weeks during their Christian Education classes in Term 2. A summary of what they will be learning, where you can access the resources and suggestions for how parents can assist their child through this process are provided below:


Week One Lesson

Students will be introduced to the MyFuture website. This website has a Student Profile section where students will be asked to complete all 9 questionnaires to obtain a profile of their unique values, interests and aspirations.  

Parents can assist students to complete these questions and review the student career profile. The lesson that supports this learning is available in SEQTA Engage course materials in Week 1 for Christian Education. 


Week Two Lesson: 

Once the student profile has been completed in MyFuture, students can use this summary to review and assess many different occupations and decide what might be a good fit for them. This lesson will explore suggested occupations (based on the student profile), occupations that may be of interest based on the school subjects they enjoy (Career Bullseye Posters) and the occupations categorised by the 19 official Australian Industries.


Parents can assist students to explore these occupations and careers by using their student login to review different occupations and careers. Any of particular interest can be added to “My Favourites” to bookmark them.


Week Three Lesson: 

This lesson provides a brief overview of the pathways available to students in Years 11 and 12. Students will also complete an online Individual Pathway Plan that outlines their early interests and aspirations for Years 11, 12 and beyond. This plan will be updated at least annually, so that a student can see how they grow, learn and develop in this space. Each student at The King's College has access to their own individual login with Career Tools, where they can complete and store their career-related documents that will assist them at school and beyond. 


Week Four Lesson: 

This lesson is dedicated to consolidating the exploration and career learning, finalise Individual Pathway Plans and make a start on Subject selection forms in preparation for the Parent Information Evening.


Parents are strongly encouraged to attend the Parent Information Evening in Term II 2025 in the The King's Chapel Auditorium. Invites will be sent out via the schools' learning system.