How Can I Help?

Parents, family members and the wider community who are interested in sharing their career-related experiences with our students can do so in a number of ways:

  • Deliver a brief talk to students about their industry and occupation.
  • Offer opportunities for students to undertake work experience at their place of employment.
  • Offer to assist students with networks and contacts in your industry.

If this is something you would like to offer, please complete the Expression of Interest Form below.


Why Should I Help?

A fundamentally important part of career development for young people is having access to people in their circle of influence who can share their knowledge and experience relating to work and careers.


Students "cannot be what they cannot see", and research shows that students are still choosing traditional occupations, because they are unaware of the diverse opportunities that are now available to them.


The King's College has a rich diversity of parents, family members and the wider community, all of whom are involved in many different vocations, self-employment and voluntary work.


By sharing these experiences, students can:

  • Know and understand their world and how it works.
  • Discern between different life experiences and a fit with their own personal values and interests.
  • Have an opportunity to connect and build networks with others in the community.