Principal's Report

Principal’s Report
Welcome to the 2024 school year! I am excited about what we can achieve as a school this year. The raft of opportunities available to our students at Belmont High throughout the coming school year will mean that every student has the opportunity to live our school mantra, Strive for the Highest.
I would especially like to welcome our new Year 7s into the school. To those families who are joining us for the first time, please know we are here to support you and your children.
I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude to our school community for the support that has been displayed during what has been a challenging week for our school. Your kindness and care have been invaluable as we navigate this difficult time together. It is a privilege to lead and support our community through these challenges and I want to remind everyone that we are always here to support our students.
Welcome New and Returning Staff
I welcome the following staff to our Belmont High School community:
Captains for 2024
After a terrific experience down at Year 12 Camp last week I am excited to announce our Captains for 2024. Congratulations to all those who have been successful in earning a position this year.
School Tours
We are now offering school tours on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 9.30am. Although the tours have been organised for prospective students and their families, current families of Belmont High School are welcome to attend these tours. If you would like to join one of our tours, you can make a booking by visiting our website, or by clicking on this link. Bookings will be open up until mid-May.
School Camps The school encourages parents to consider taking out travel insurance for school camps as schools often incur a cancellation fee that we are not able to absorb if your child is forced to withdraw due to unforeseen circumstances.
DET Policy on Personal Items
A reminder that the Department of Education does not hold insurance, nor does it accept responsibility for private property brought to school by students, staff or visitors.
Privacy Reminder
Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Department of Educations’ Privacy and Information Sharing Policy.
Mobile Phone Policy
Thank you to all the school community for the continued support of this policy. A reminder that students are required to place their phone into their locker upon arrival at school. They are not to access their phone until after class at the end of their school day. If your child is seen with a mobile phone during school time, it will be confiscated and left in the administration office for parents/carers to collect. A COMPASS message will automatically be sent to parents or carers alerting them to the incident. If parents/carers are not able to come to the school to collect a confiscated phone, it is requested that you call to give permission for the phone to be returned to the student at the end of their classes on the day. A copy of the policy can be found on the school website.
School lockers
It is very important that lockers are secured as the school is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal items. If your child does not have a lock, please organise to provide them with one as soon as possible. Locks are available for purchase from the school office for $16.
Kind regards,
Joshua Baker Principal