
Welcome to BHS music 2024!
Students are busy meeting new teachers, and trying out new ensembles, and we are receiving new enrolments every day for lessons on all instruments!
It’s not too late – if you would like to learn an instrument, see Ms Humphrey in the band room, and pick up an enrolment form for the instrument of your choice.
Over the holidays, many Belmont High School students participated in the Geelong Summer Music Camp, a week of tutorials, electives and rehearsals, culminating in a massive concert at Costa Hall.
Congratulations to all these students, who will bring so much new knowledge and enthusiasm back into our program, and many thanks to our Music Support group, who supported four students to attend this camp
The BHS music support group is a fabulous institution at Belmont High School, raising funds for equipment, support of tours, camps and trips, and much appreciated on -the -ground support at concerts and events throughout the year.
Music Support group is holding the first meeting for 2024 next Thursday at 7.30pm in the Band room. Please come along – it is a great way to be involved in your child’s music education, and to be a partner in the music education of your child.
Music Dates for Term 1
March 7th Soulsonics Incursion P2 – P4
March 12+13th Songmakers Incursion All day (Year 1 VET students)
March 19th BHS Open Night (Jazz Syndicate) Time TBC
March 20th GEMFest MFGSC 5.00pm (Intermediate Jazz/Singit)
March 21st Topclass excursion (VCE + VCE VET music students)
March 22nd Chilwell Fair VET Yr 2 Band/Jazz Syndicate 5.15 – 6.00pm
March 24th Portarlington Rotunda 10.00am – 2.00pm Brass Ensemble
March 27th Beginning Band + Singit Concert+Family BBQ PAC 5.30pm
As you can see, we are going to have an exciting end of term showcasing our amazing students!!
Many thanks to our amazing music staff for sourcing such fun performance opportunities for our students.
Sessional Music Lessons are available with our teachers Nadine, Patrick, and Johanna, with vacancies for Voice, Strings and Keyboard, and limited places for drum kit.
We are excited to welcome Eli Merquita to our music team, a guitar teacher who brings a wealth of experience to share with and inspire our students.
Guitar and Bass lessons with Eli will begin in the next few weeks.
We have several new ensembles kicking off this year, so come along on a Tuesday lunchtime and see what it’s all about (Bring your lunch)
Junior Rock Band are looking for singers, and Singit are of course looking for singers! All are welcome- no experience necessary.
2024 Ensemble Rehearsal Days
Mondays Intermediate Jazz Band room 1 3.15 – 4.30pm
Mondays SingIt (Year 7+8) PAC Lunchtime
Tuesdays SingitStars (Yrs 9-12) = PAC Lunchtime
Tuesdays Yr 7 Rockband Bandroom 1 Lunchtime
Tuesdays String Ensemble S4 Lunchtime
Tuesdays Senior Band Band room 1 3.15 – 4.45pm
Wednesdays Beginning Band Band room 1 8.00am – 8.50am
Wednesdays Yr 9 Saxophone Ensemble Bandroom 2 Lunchtime
Thursdays Intermediate Band Band room 1 3.15 – 4.30pm
Thursdays Jazz Syndicate Band room 2 3.15 – 4.45pm
Fridays Brass Ensemble Bandroom 1 Lunchtime