News Feed

Asthma and Anaphylaxis Plans 

- Please ensure your child's asthma and anaphylaxis plan are current.  These need to be added to PAM.  

- Please ensure your child has their asthma ventolin and EpiPen at school every day. 

- Please notify the office immediately if your child's medical needs change. 

New School Bags

We have been notified by Worklocker that our current royal blue school bag is no longer available.  We are in the process of sourcing and securing a new bag with our school logo. The new bags are one size and cost $87 - including the logo.  Picture (without logo).

Opening School Mass

On Friday, St. Joseph’s officially marked the beginning of the school year with their Opening School Mass. We thank Fr. Junjun and Mrs Sefton for your preparations.

New Staff

St. Joseph's warmly welcomes our new staff for 2024 and some new faces who joined the team in or throughout 2023.

L>R Back Row: Kye Roberts (Wellbeing Officer), Kelly Newman (Year 2 Classroom Teacher), Maria Mete (LSO), Natasha Edwards (LSO), Kirrily Jones (Finance and Student Data), Kaeden Talay (LSO - Trainee)

L>R Front Row: Edward Harding (Year 5 Classroom Teacher), Tiana Bovalina (LSO - Trainee), Tegan Alexander (Specialist), Halina Tedesco (Year 1 Classroom Teacher), Caitlin Mills (LSO)

3-6 Swimming Carnival

MONDAY 12th FEBRUARY (**NEXT WEEK**) -  Cobram Outdoor Pool 10am - 3pm

All helpers and spectators welcome.

Please complete your PAM permission note prior to Monday.

3-6 Water Familiarisation Program

Thank you to Mr Powell and Tash for running the program. Thank you to our parent helpers, classroom teachers and LSOs for all hopping in the pool and helping each group. The students had a fabulous week in the pool building their water awareness and confidence.


If you are a new family or have recently obtained a Pensioner or Health Care Card you may be eligible for the Camps, Sports and Excursions funding of $150 per child.

Please return the form and a copy of your card to the office.

Scholastic Book Club

At St. Joseph's, we offer families the opportunity to purchase reading material from Scholastic Australia. Scholastic offers families regular access to quality, affordable books while partnering with schools and giving back through the Scholastic Rewards program where every order gives 15% back to your school. This enables us to purchase new reading material for our library. This week we placed hundreds of dollars of new books in our library for the students to enjoy - all of which were purchased with commission from Book Club sales, so thank you for supporting this incentive. 


This week your child was given a Scholastic Book Club catalogue (ISSUE 1) to take home. Orders can be placed online or sent to school in an envelope with payment, by Friday 23rd February 2024. Details explaining how to order online are on the inside back cover of the catalogue. If using the online LOOP system to order, please ensure you enter your child’s class from the selected menu using capital letters and no spaces. e.g., FST, 1TA, 2NW, 3FC, 4GK, 5VO and 6KN. 

Books always make great gifts for birthdays and other special occasions. If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Natale at school or at

(Two catalogues per school Term)

Library Borrowing

Your child’s class visited the library this week and were given the opportunity to borrow some reading material. Please ensure your child brings their blue folder or another appropriate bag to school each day so that when they visit the library they can borrow. It is important that we teach the children to take care of our books by keeping them clean and free from damage – thus the need for a bag.


The library is also open before school each day (8:30-8:50am), giving students the opportunity to change their books regularly. Students are timetabled to attend the library with their class as well as an opportunity to borrow at the end of their LOTE Italian lesson.


If any parents want to borrow from the library, they are also welcome to. Just pop in and see Mrs Natale and we can set you up. 


AFL Auskick Program - St. Joes!

Lost Item

If you have found this item or know where it is, it's owner would love to be reconnected with it. Thanks for your help!

Coco chillin' in the classrooms!

Coco has been back in classrooms and is thrilled to see the students after a busy holidays at the farm! If you want to keep up with Coco’s exciting adventures, you can follow her on instagram @coco_stjosephscobram 🐶🐶🐶