Leadership @ MPS

Welcome to the first edition of our newsletter!
We have had a very calm start to the school year with teachers reporting that all students appear very settled already. Thank you to all our staff who work so hard in ensuring that our Monty students transition into their new grades happily and with a strong sense of positivity. And thank you, too, parents and carers, for ensuring that your child is at school on time, ready to learn! The weather has certainly been kind to us so far, helping everyone adjust to the routine of a new school year.
We would like to extend a very warm welcome to our gorgeous new Foundation students and families. Our Foundies have already commended full days at school and are managing so well! We look forward to getting to know them all throughout the coming weeks.
Meet and Greet Interviews
This year, on Thursday 15th February from 12:30 - 6:30pm, we will be reintroducing the 'Meet and Greet Parent/Teacher' interviews for all students in Grades 1- 6 with the aim of laying the foundation for a successful and productive school year for all. These interviews will provide an opportunity for teachers to establish a connection with parents/carers and to gain a better understanding of the individual needs of each student from a parent perspective. Each interview will run for 10 mins. Please ensure that if you are booking for more than one child, you leave at least a 10 minute space between interviews to allow time to move between rooms. See Compass for booking information.
Foundation parents and carers are invited to an information session with the Foundation teachers starting from 7pm on the same evening. Bookings for this are not necessary.
The fundraising event The Colour Run is back!
Week 4 will bring the return of the Colour Run (Thursday, 22nd Feb from approximately 5pm). It is definitely a highlight of the school year! This a very important fundraising event and we hope all students will get involved! This term's fundraising efforts will go towards the purchasing of Indigenous artwork that we can proudly display around our school.
If you would like your child to be involved in the Colour Run this year, please see the information regarding fundraising on Compass (and in this newsletter). There are some really fabulous prizes available! Happy fundraising!
Building Update
We are getting closer to an end date! The renovation of the old hall is coming along beautifully and our staff are chomping at the bit to get in there and make it their own! However, we have had a slight hitch with the fire services and compliance. Yarra Valley Water have made changes to the level of water pressure in and around our area therefore we are required to make some significant changes to ensure that we are compliant. Of course, a significant upgrade (a booster pump) to what already exists will be very costly. We are waiting on news of a grant that may financially assist us. If we are successful, then we will use what is left of the budget to complete the front entrance, and the SAKG outdoor space as planned. We have everything crossed for a tidy finish to what has been a very successful building project!
From next week onwards, I will be moving to part-time. My working days will be Wednesday, Thursday and Friday with Mr Paul Wickham acting in the Principal role on Mondays and Tuesdays. Thank you in advance for your support!
Please see the relevant section of this newsletter for the 2024/2025 School Council update.
The Leadership Team