Junior School

Year 6 Prefects
We are thrilled to introduce our Year Six Prefects!
Head Boy: Patrick Clarke
Deputy Head Boy: William Tyson
Prefects: Bondi Allen, John Bianchini, Austin Guild, Nicholas Jones, Patrick Jones, Aiden Luo, Jacob MacDonald, Finlay Pentland, Riley Nugent and Harrison Smith.
Plus, our newly elected captains and prefects who are set to lead our school with enthusiasm, responsibility, and dedication. Let’s give a warm congratulations to our captains:
Music Captains: David Berry and Arthus Pitter
Dance Captain: Valentin D'Angelo
Campion House Captains: Harley Blatchley and Harry Spencer
Queens House Captains: Aiden Cue and Hunter Bumbak
Xavier House Captains: Levi Agapitos and Michael Boyatzis
Chanel House Captains: Mitch Borman and Joshua J Lim
who have been chosen to represent and guide our school community.
On Wednesday our Junior School Staff embarked on a half-day of professional learning with Michelle Forest from Apple where we focussed on the essential planning to ensure our Technologies provide students with authentic learning challenges that foster curiosity, confidence, persistence, innovation, creativity and respect and cooperation and students and teachers will incorporate the latest in information and communication technology (ICT).
Our commitment to excellence extends beyond the classroom walls. Collaborating with Apple, we are actively building capacity to work towards our shared vision. Recognising the pivotal role teachers play in shaping young minds, we emphasise the importance of investing in their growth, ensuring our boys receive nothing short of the best education.
Something I love doing is looking at and analysing data to drive teaching and learning programs in our school as high-quality teaching and learning is very important to me and our staff. To enhance our teaching strategies and measure our impact, our students recently participated in ACER testing, providing valuable baseline data for the year. This data-driven approach enables us to identify areas of strength, build capacity where needed, and tailor our instruction to ensure each boy receives an outstanding education. Over the course of this term parents will have the opportunity to dialogue with teachers on supporting your son at school either in IEP meetings (Individual Education Plan), interviews at the end of this term or earlier this term. Children learn best and thrive when their parents and teachers work together. Thank you for your ongoing support as we navigate this journey of learning and growth.
I walk to school most days and I love that parents and kids give me a big wave, yell out, “hello” and toot the horn. Connection builds community and our Junior School community is full of people who reach out and connect and I personally, am so very grateful for this and know that these connections quickly make new boys and parents feel they are an integral part of the school.
I hope to see parents at the Sundowner this evening.
God bless,
Jasmin Kenworthy
Head of Junior School
Opening Mass
This morning the Junior School community came together to celebrate our 2024 Opening Mass. We were blessed to have Fr Kenneth from the Perth Cathedral celebrate mass for us. It was also a special time for our staff to be blessed as well as the blessing and presentation of badges to our 2024 Sport and Cultural Captains. A lovely way to begin our year in Junior School for 2024.